A Narrow Escape

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Godric had trudged all the way back to the inn, his body numb with disbelief. He felt as though what had just happened had been a dream of some kind. A nightmare, in his opinion. As he strolled down the darkened street Helga came into view. She was sitting upon the front porch, staring eagerly out into the darkness.

"Godric!" She called, waving erratically to him. She soon stopped when she saw the look on his face, though. "What is it?"

He couldn't bring himself to tell her. It seemed that his voice wouldn't work after the shock he'd received. He couldn't bear to see the knowing looks upon everyone else's faces should he go inside and so walked straight past.

"Godric, wait! Godric, please!" She cried, finally catching up to him. He had no choice but to come to a stop when she stood before him, blocking his way forwards. "Listen -


"I don't need your words of wisdom right now, Helga!" He snapped, wanting nothing more that to be alone so that he could gather his thoughts.

"I'm not trying to be wise!"

"She said she doesn't love me!" He burst out, the sound of saying this out loud causing his heart to crumble. "Just like you knew she would!"

"I didn't!" She assured him, looking at him in a pitying manner. "She's lying," she breathed, after a long silence. "She does love you."

"No, she doesn't! She told me herself. I was a fool to think she wouldn't have moved on. Maybe I am just too much like a child. I should move on too!" It killed him to say these words, having expected them to make him feel better.

"Has it never occurred to you that she only said that to protect you?" Helga snapped, becoming annoyed with him. "I know Rowena. She wouldn't want you to get into trouble with her father. She would want to know you're safe."

"No, she wouldn't. She hates me now. I'll bet she despises me for even venturing here!"

Helga stared at him angrily, as though he was being depressive on purpose.

"You're so stubborn, Godric!" She yelled, poking him hard in the chest. "When will you realise that things are never just one-sided!"

With that she marched off into the darkness, back to the inn. Godric was left to stare after her in utter shock. After a while, though, he considered what she'd said and it certainly gave him food for thought.


The next morning Rowena awoke to a great amount of cheery sunlight that didn't quite reach into her own soul. She felt so terrible after what she'd said to Godric. He'd probably been one of the last true friends she had and now he'd gone. All that was left was the dreadful thought of spending the rest of her life with a man she hated, a man who she doubted truly loved her.

She lay awake for many sleepless hours before the sun had brightened and she could hear the servants bustling about the castle. She knew her father must have them working extremely hard so that her wedding went without any problems - God forbid if the chance to get Rowena married off passed the king by.

"Morning, my daughter!" Her mother trilled when she entered the room a while later, one of the servants bringing in a tray of food for breakfast. "Be sure to eat something. We can't have you married on an empty stomach, can we?"

"I'm not very hungry," she insisted.

"All the preparations have been made," she said excitedly, not really listening to her. "Harriet will arrive shortly to deal with your hair. Have you combed it today?" She asked, casting a sceptical eye over it.

"Yes, mother!"

"Oh...just nerves," she smiled, noticing the warning tone within her voice. "There really is nothing to be worried about, my dear! You're marrying a wonderful man. You're lucky to have him."

"So everyone keeps telling me," she said in an undertone.


When Godric awoke a few hours later his head felt like something with many legs had been scuttling around inside, leaving his mind exhausted...and yet, he could think clearly.

"The coach will be here shortly," Robin informed him, who was helping Salazar take the luggage downstairs.

Godric nodded in understanding but didn't speak, for fear that his head would lose track of its thoughts. He knew that when Helga had spoken to him last night she'd had a fair point. Perhaps Rowena only denied loving him because she was trying to keep him from harm. Knowing that she could still love him in some way made him panic. He'd missed his one chance to get her out of that castle and he doubted he'd be able to get back in now. How could he have been so stupid!

He leapt to his feet and rushed from the room, almost tumbling down the stairs as he made his way through the Inn. Once outside he squinted against the sunlight, trying to work out how much time he had left until his princess was gone forever.

"Oh, good, you're here," Salazar said, looking relieved. "Helga told me what happened. I'm so very sorry, Godric."

"It's not over yet," he replied distractedly, staring feverishly up and down the street. "I'm guessing the castle will be well-guarded today?"

"Well..." Salazar said slowly, failing to disguise his look of worry. "Yes."

"Right," he murmured, his brow creased in concentration.

"Godric, what are you planning?" Salazar demanded knowingly. "Look here, you can't - "

"If there's a chance she still loves me then I'm willing to take a risk," he interrupted, turning to face Robin. "You've outsmarted the king's guards before. You're going to help me do it again."

"Excuse me?" Robin yelped, looking shocked. "Oh no. My days of trespass and treachery are well and truly behind me. I cannot, I'm sorry!"

"Then that is a good disguise my good Sir, for I was mistaking you for the legend of Robin Hood!" Godric retorted, his eyebrows raised.

He looked away, unable to think of a suitable reply.

"Godric, what you are planning is foolish and I doubt you even have a decent plan at all!" He exclaimed, staring at him questioningly.

"The best ideas always arrive in the heat of the moment," he shrugged, beginning to stroll down the street.

"Godric, wait. You cannot go there alone, it would be like suicide!" Robin called.

"If help will not come then I'll have to do it alone. Thank you for all your help, Robin!" he waved, continuing to walk away.

Helga stared exasperatedly at the others and then glanced anxiously in Godric's direction.

"I'm starting to think he likes being in such danger!" She grumbled, hurrying after him.

Godric strolled on determinedly through the crowds near the front of the castle. It was probably a good job he still wore his garments from the night before otherwise he wouldn't have blended so well with all the grand guests that were obviously making their way to the wedding. Godric's heart began to race, wondering how much time he had left. He jumped as he felt a strong hand clap him upon the shoulder.

"I wouldn't take on the main entrance if I were you!"

He turned around and was relieved beyond words to see Salazar close behind, Helga standing alongside him.

"Then what would you suggest?" He asked, smiling gratefully.

"This way," he muttered, leading them to the edge of the crowd and then behind a series of shrubs at the top of the hill that overlooked the city. "There is a small side entrance just around here. It's usually - oh..."

His face fell as it came into view. There were two guards standing watch that would quite obviously raise the alarm even if Salazar himself tried to gain access to the castle.

"Now what?" Godric hissed, becoming rather anxious.

"Look!" Helga said, pointing to a pair of thick trees on the other side of the entrance. Robin and John were standing in their shadows, waving to catch their attention. Once the guards had turned their backs to pace the corridor just inside the doorway Godric, Salazar and Helga took their chance, hastily dashing across to the others.

"I thought you weren't going to help?" Helga said, staring at Robin in surprise.

"Well, it's almost impossible for me to pass up an opportunity to annoy the king!"

"Thank you," Godric smiled. "But how do we get in now?"

"Follow us," John winked, leading them behind another cluster of shrubs that grew close to the castle wall. Once they'd battered their way through the thorns and spiky leaves John revealed a trapdoor underfoot. "It leads down to the old cellar," he explained quickly. "It should be pretty deserted but watch yourselves once you get into the main castle, there'll be guards everywhere. We'll try and stay in the lower levels just in case you need assistance."

"Are you sure?" Godric asked; he knew it would cost Robin a great deal to return.

"Yes. Now hurry!" He insisted. "You have to find your princess before it is too late!"

Godric nodded and was the first to slide down the hatch, coming to land painfully upon a cold stone floor moments later. He steadily rose to his feet, glancing around the dark, low-ceilinged room he was now in. He slowly began to edge forwards, noticing a door not too far away. Helga and Salazar were close behind, followed by Robin and John.

"There's an easier way up to the princess's tower," Robin explained quickly, before Godric made his way onwards. "It's rather difficult to explain," he grunted, frowning anxiously.

"Then show them!" John hissed. "You're the only one of us that knows it well. You go with Godric, ensure he gets to his princess."

"But I really think - "

"Please, Robin," Godric pleaded. "If you think it'll help."

"Very well," he nodded.

"And where are you off to?" Godric demanded, as Helga made to follow them.

"I'm coming with you!"

"No, certainly not! It's too dangerous!" Godric insisted.

"You always say that!"

"We don't have time for this, Helga! Listen," he said seriously, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Things may get a bit out of hand. I'll need your wit and cunning to help John come up with an escape plan." She stared awkwardly at him for a moment but then forced a smile. "Thank you."

"Let's go!" Robin insisted, leading the way.

Once they'd climbed a darkened stone staircase outside the cellar door they reached a bright, airy corridor. Godric knew there would be plenty more corridors like this. The thought made his heart race, as he knew they were much more likely to be caught now than they would be at night, whilst lurking in the shadows.

After just a few minutes they found themselves in the presence of far more guards than they'd anticipated. Whilst they stood crouched behind a wall where they knew they couldn't be spotted, many different ideas were running through their minds.

"Are you superstitious?" Salazar asked Robin suddenly.

"What? Er...no," he replied, looking rather bewildered.

Salazar peered around the corner of the wall, his pale eyes narrowed. He then flung out his hand, in the fashion of someone throwing a spider outdoors. Godric stared in confusion but soon realised that magic had just been used. It appeared to be some sort of deceptive sound spell because the guards rushed off in the other direction, leaving their way clear.

"Hurry...this way!" Robin insisted. It seemed he hadn't noticed the use of magic within his presence.

They scrambled along the corridor to the right, trying and failing to keep the sound of their footsteps to a bare minimum. They climbed another staircase and were hastily forced to cross the corridor, hiding behind a tall suit of armour. Luckily the guards standing a short distance away hadn't noticed their swift arrival, as they were too busy talking.

"Are there going to be guards on every floor?" Godric demanded.

"Probably," Salazar hissed in reply.

"I know another way to the tower...if it hasn't been bricked in," Robin murmured, hurrying off along another of the corridors.

They soon arrived in a drawing room at the back of the castle but Godric didn't quite see how this was much help. He stared in confusion as Robin fell to his knees and started to shuffle around in the fireplace.

"Got it!" He grunted, as the dull sound of shifting stone echoed around them, dust falling onto Robin's head from the chimney breast above. "Grab that torch!" He told Salazar, before scrambling through the small gap he'd made in the brickwork.

Salazar did so and warily followed him. Godric did the same but after first glancing behind him to check that they hadn't been spotted. Once behind the secret passage within the fireplace he pushed the brickwork closed behind them, hoping that they could find some alternative way out. They shuffled along the small stone passage and came to a very narrow set of spiralling stone steps.

"This will lead us almost straight to the tower," Robin informed them.

"And how do you know about this place?" Godric asked, rather impressed.

"Some friends of mine were building over this old entrance for the king so I got them to do me a little favour."

They had soon reached a dead end, which Robin had assured them was perfectly accessible. He bent down and pushed aside the bottom half of the wall, which let a sudden flood of bright light in, indicating that they'd reached an upper floor corridor. After poking his head out to check that the coast was clear, Robin scrambled through the gap in the wall with Godric and Salazar following close behind.

They had emerged into a long stone corridor with large windows down one wall and at the end lay a heavy wooden door. Godric's heart swooped excitedly; he didn't need to be told that they'd arrived at their destination. He actually had no idea how he was going to get Rowena out of the castle unnoticed but to see her again would be pure magic.

"There isn't much time until the wedding begins," Salazar said.

He suddenly froze, eyes wide. Godric did the same as he heard footsteps approaching and a very unwelcome voice - it was the king.

"Salazar, what are you doing?" Godric hissed, as he rushed in the King's direction.

"I'll keep him away from the tower room," he replied, hurrying off around the corner and down the flight of stairs beyond.

Godric and Robin exchanged anxious glances, waiting with baited breath and listening intently.

"Salazar?" The king boomed, suspicion resounding in his voice. "What are you doing up here?"

"My apologies, your majesty," he said quickly. "Rowena wished to speak with me before the ceremony. I have given her my words of encouragement, of course. She was a little nervous."

"She has nothing to be nervous about!"

"That is what I said, Sir," he assured him, in a very convincing tone. "But she did say that she wishes to see no one else."

"I am her father!" He growled furiously.

Godric and Robin exchanged glances again, hoping that Salazar could get rid of him.

"She insisted that the next time she wished for you to see her was when she was on her way to becoming a wife," he said quickly.

This seemed to be enough to convince the king, who just grunted thoughtfully.

"I see. Well, I suppose we'd better get downstairs, not long now!" He chuckled.

Salazar had no choice but to follow and once their footsteps had faded away Godric and Robin checked that the coast was clear.

"You have mere minutes," Robin informed him, looking anxious. "You must hurry if we are to get out without being killed!"

"Calm yourself, it'll all be in hand," he assured him, also hoping that these words would convince himself.

"I shall be out here," he said. "Don't be long!"

Godric took heed to this and, feeling his heart racing, he dashed into Rowena's tower room. He knew that the rate of his heart had nothing to do with the prospect of the guards catching him, though. Light was flooding into the circular room, causing little trinkets and objects to glisten serenely. He breathed in a flowery scent and jumped when he spotted movement behind a tall screen near the wall.

"I shall be ready shortly, Elizabeth."

His heart melted at the sound of that soft voice. Even though he'd only seen her the night before it felt more like a lifetime ago. He did not speak, slowly approaching the screen. She was obviously making sure that all her attire for the wedding was in order. Godric knew that, whatever she wore, she'd look stunningly beautiful.

"Alright. I'm ready to go," she said.

Godric stared in amazement as she shuffled out from behind the screen, the bright white gown trailing along behind her. A lace veil was covering her face but her beauty still managed to shine through. The moment she looked up with those deep blue eyes, she froze, sure that she was seeing things.

"Godric?" She managed to utter. "How did you...why...what are you doing here?"

"I've come to get you," he found himself saying.

"Oh..." she moaned, a look of despair upon her face as she sidled past, beginning to pace nervously around the room. "We went through this last night. I told you everything. I do not - "

"Don't say you don't love me!" He snapped, marching over and looking her meaningfully in the eyes. "Because I know that is a lie!"

"Godric - "

"No! I know you only sent me away to protect me but I can protect myself. I can protect you too, for that matter. It's a good thing Helga is wise to your behaviour!"

"Curse her for knowing me so well!"

"I would have left if she didn't. I was going to walk away from you, from my one true love. Then I realised that I could not subject you to such a life. I know this is not what you want, Rowena!" He said, gripping her hands tightly.

"I can't deny it!" She gasped, her eyes filling up with tears. "I'm sorry!"

"Don't be sorry. You make a beautiful bride," he breathed, leaning close to her. "But not his bride." She nodded slowly, unable to look at him. "I will not let you throw away the person you truly are!"

"Godric, I love you dearly but what choice do I have?"

"You have the choice of becoming a true witch!"

"Shhh!" She hissed fearfully. "Keep your voice down!"

"You cannot suppress your powers. You really think you can keep them hidden for the rest of your life?" She stared up at him nervously, knowing that he had a good point. "Come with me now!"

"What?" She demanded, as though he was a mad man.

"We don't have long. If you truly love me then we have to leave right now!"

"But...I can't!" She choked. "I'm to be married in mere minutes. What will happen if I don't turn up?"

"I don't care!" He cried, half laughing. "And neither should you. Start thinking about yourself for a change. Will you come with me, Rowena?" He asked seriously, holding out a hand.

She slowly reached out to him, a smile creeping across her face. This expression soon disintegrated and panic overtook them when the sound of quick footsteps echoed just outside the door. Godric leapt behind the screen, crouching down so that he couldn't be seen. He managed this just in time as, moments later, one of the servants burst into the room.

"They're waiting, Miss," she said impatiently. "They were worried you'd ran off!"

"Of course not!" Rowena exclaimed, forcing a laugh.

Godric watched in horror as Rowena could do nothing but follow this servant from the room. She glanced back, a fearful expression upon her face. It was now solely up to Godric to save her. How he was going to stop a wedding, he didn't know, especially one that would result in his death if he succeeded. With his mind racing, he hurried from the room, rather worried to see that Robin was no longer in the corridor outside.

He dashed along after the sound of Rowena's hurried footsteps, trying to think of a way to get her out unnoticed.

"Godric!" He leapt in shock as he was suddenly dragged behind a suit of armour. Robin was staring angrily at him. "I told you to be quick!" He hissed.

"I'm sorry!"

"You have no idea how impossible it'll be to escape now, especially with Rowena!"

"Well, I'm not leaving her!" He said defiantly.

"I had a feeling you'd say that! Come on, I think there's another way to the ceremony."

Godric didn't hesitate to follow. They scurried through darkened corridors, fortunately not coming across any guards. They then found themselves overlooking the wedding below. Many individuals of grand upbringing were seated, looking rather disgruntled by the fact that the bride was keeping them waiting.

"So...do you have a plan?" Robin murmured, eyes scanning the room for some inspiration.

"I was hoping you would."

"I did my part - I got you in!"

Godric's heart suddenly leapt into his throat as the sound of two heavy doors being swung open echoed around the room. Loud organ music then followed this. As Rowena drifted gracefully up the aisle towards a smug-faced Edmund the impending doom loomed far closer. Godric knew he had to think fast.

"Robin? That rope will take my weight, won't it?" He asked hopefully.

He was referring to a thick length tethered to the banister they were overlooking. It led from the rafters high above the place where Rowena and Edmund were about to make their commitments.

"I believe so," he replied warily. "You're not actually thinking of - oh no!"

Before he could say much more Godric had taken a strong grasp upon the rope and leapt from the banister. For a split second no one seemed to notice but then the guests screeched in shock. The king immediately rose, unable to do anything but stare.

"Rowena!" Godric cried, reaching out ready to grab her.

She was ready and took a large step from Edmund's side, who was wearing a look of disgust. Godric tightened his grip and slammed into Rowena, just about managing to cling onto her. It was now that the uproar began and Godric knew he had to swing back up to the floor above before he could be caught.

"Unhand her!" Edmund demanded. "She is mine!"

"My daughter!" The king roared, easily managing to drown out everyone else. "She is being kidnapped! GUARDS!"

With a great effort on Godric's part, he managed to swing back up to the banister, where Robin was waiting to help Rowena. Godric was forced to let go, however, whilst Rowena was pulled to safety. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed the king's guards skidding into the room.

"Not in here, you fools!" The King yelled, causing his face to glow bright red. "UP THERE!" He pointed a fat finger in Godric's direction just as he managed to make his way back over the banister, hastily engaging in a tight embrace with Rowena, who now had tears streaming down her face.

"I hate to interrupt!" Robin said quickly. "But we'll soon have company. If you don't mind, I'd very much like to take the lead in getting us out of here?"

"By all means!" Godric insisted.

He grabbed Rowena's hand tightly and they then raced along the corridors after Robin who, thankfully, seemed to know a good escape route...or so it seemed. Godric was quite shocked when they came to a stop in front of a window.

"You cannot be serious?" He demanded, trying to ignore the sounds of the guards gaining on them.

"It's either this or fight your way back through that castle!" He pointed out, eyebrows raised.

"There's no other way!" Rowena said nervously, glancing behind them. "But it does look like an awfully long way down!"

"You'll be fine!" Robin insisted, readying his bow. He then leant out of the window and whistled loudly. From out of the undergrowth to the right came Alan, speeding along on a dark chestnut horse. "GO!"

"What about you?" Godric demanded, after helping Rowena to climb onto the window legde. He could see that Robin had his arrows at the ready, obviously prepared for a fight.

"It's nothing I haven't handled before!" He winked. "Hurry or you'll never get away!"

Godric nodded in understanding and, grasping tightly to Rowena's hand, they both leapt from the window, coming to land painfully upon the grass verge below, rolling down the embankment.

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