The checkup

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I am soooooo sorry for not updating this for so long. I will continue to update this every Thursday from now n. I won't promise as I may have to stop at some point I dunno, but I do promise that I won't abandon this book and I won't abandon you guys again, Okay? Now enjoy!

Chapter ya know what I don't care anymore

"I'M HAVING A WHAT!?!?!?!?!"

"You heard me. I know what happened to you."

"H- how do you know what happened." He paused and looked at me as if he was thinking of what to say.

"Alriiiiiight. I guess I should come clean now. I was following you for weeks."

"You. were. WHAT!"

Mrs Shuzenji told me to shush so I stopped shouting and just glared at the guy that I just found out has been stalking me.

"Why were you stalking me, you idiot?"

"*sigh* because I was told to."

"Because you were told to?"


"What if someone told you to shoot yourself, would you do it?"

"If they offered to pay me once I reach hell."

"You are a crazy idiot."

I turned and began to walk away. I opened the door and was about to step out when I heard him call out to me.

"I was told to do it by your mom."

"... my mom? Nice try dude. She is dead."

He looked at me confused for a moment before making a face of realization.

"Ohhhhh, you would think that huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, your mom is alive. Very much alive."



"You aren't lying to me are you?"


"Then tell me her name. Where does she live? What does she do? Why did she fake her death? Who the actual hell is she?"

"I'll answer those after you get your check-up." I thought about it for a moment before coming to the conclusion that this guy won't give up until I get checked. And I do feel very weak still. I let out a sigh and walked back into the room.

Mrs Shuzenji made me it on the hospital be and begin the check-up. It took about an hour. She said that I was very strong to be able to withstand what happened. And she also said that thankfully it seemed to only be a little bit of electricity. Like a static shock. So it didn't really do much. It felt a lot worst though. I'll have to ask Mei what it was. I don't think that was an electric chair.

I stood up from the bed once we were finished. Mrs Shuzenji came up to me and handed me a lollipop and gave me a kiss n the cheek.

"Take care of yourself, Sweetheart. And be careful."

"I will do."

We left and headed to the restaurant as planned.

The chicken man was eating (surprise surprise)chicken wigs while I decided to just get a burger. A chicken burger since this was a chicken shop.

"Hey. Now that you have stuffed your face, you have to tell me about my mom"

He looked up at me with his mouth full of fries.

"Omwh myeah."

"Don't talk with your mouth full. It's gross."

He swallowed quickly. "Sorry. Yeah, your mom is alive. She has her own family and everything. She is doing very well. She said she sometimes stops to check on you. So she is basically spying on you as well."

"I'm sorry what?"

"It isn't my place to tell you who she is or where she is. I'm just a family friend who just happened to get caught up in your family drama."

"Fair point."

"Hey. You'll find her soon."

I looked over at him and he was giving me a big cheesy grin.

"You have sauce on your face."

"Oh! Where?" He started licking his face trying to find it.

Now here you would insert the cliche "Wipes the sauce off the persons face for them and then sparkles fly and they fall in love" but no. 

I chucked a napkin at him and told him it was on his left cheek. 

It was on his right.

Not that long today as the internet was slow and Google Docs wouldn't let me in. Sorry.

Toodles! X3

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