Bop to the top!

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I got the idea for this from Weeaboo_memeaboo! Thankies from mezies!

We decided that it was a bad idea to stay in that room any longer so I lead Chicken to the bathrooms so I can get cleaned up.

"I hate parties so so much!" I screamed while scrubbing the puke out of my blouse.

"Yeah, they aren't that bad actually." he said standing by the door.

I kept scrubbing at the puke until I couldn't see much colour.

"Yuck. This is so gross."

"Hah! How do you think I feel?"

I gave him a questioning look before getting back to scrubbing. I got tired of it after a while and chucked the cloth.

"Welp. Can't do anything more."

Keigo stared at me for a bit before taking off his own coat and putting it around me.

"Your blouse is wet. You'll catch a cold if you stay like that.

Then we gazed lovingly into each other's eyes and he smiled dreamily as our faces inched closer together until we... Wait you think we are gonna kiss or something. Right? WRONG!

I headbutted the dude. And he fell to the ground with a loud "THUD!"


"You were obviously flirting with me!"

"Heh? Yeah, I was actually, haha." He stood up stroking his butt because he fell on it.

"Welp, let's go now." We exited the bathroom and headed to the theatre room.

That room has a huge stage that my dad used to sit and stare at all day. He told me my mom used to love acting and came into this room often to do her plays.

"This is a nice place," said Keigo walking around the room.

He climbed up onto the stage and just looked around. It was silent for a while before he started moving around again.

Then he started humming and dancing.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a deadpan expression.

"I am peforming m'lady." Then he started dancing again.

"BOP BOP BOP! BOP TO THE TOP!" Now he is singing. He sounds like someone from a Disney movie or something.

"Dude stop."

"Dance with me, Rumi! BOP BOP BOP! BOP TO THE TOP!"

"Nuh-uh. No way Jose!"

"Come oooooh, Rumi! Loosen up! Have some fun! It's great to dance!"

I watched him as he danced across the stage. He actually looked unsurprisingly ridiculous.

But who could resist an offer like that? I got up onto the stage and danced with him. He kept singing that song of his as we danced.

And I was actually finding it... fun! I loved it a lot! We stopped dancing and tried to catch our breath.

We heard clapping and turned to the door and saw...

Toodles! X3

Romeo and Jul... Cinderella?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz