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~Lucy's Point Of View~

I woke up to a massive pain in my head. I couldn't even lift my head up without being in total pain. I slowly opened up my eyes to adjust to the light. When I did, I nearly died. Right beside me sleeping as if he were innocent, slept Calum Thomas Hood.

The boy who made me cry endlessly, made my heart shatter, and
made me lose my trust for anyone in this world, was sleeping right beside me.

I let out a loud shriek rolling off my back and landing on the could floor with a loud thump. I groaned in pain and tried my best not to start balling my eyes out.

"Babe are you alright" I heard a voice whisper. I didn't bother moving or replying because it would hurt and I honestly couldn't care, I would rather sleep on the cold floor than sleep in MY own bed with him.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around my small waist sending a weird feeling in my stomach. The two arms then gently placed me on the bed, revealing who the culprit was.

"YOU!" I shouted a little too loud causing my head to sting.

"What?" He whispered gently

"Wh-what are you doing here? With me in MY bed?"

"You told me to come with you"

"Why would I say a thing?"

"You were drunk luce"

I wanted to throw up. Hearing him call me that the way he used to makes me so sad and depressed. I wanna show him how tough I am and how I moved on. Which I did...

Sounds like my instincts heard me when I said I wanted to throw up. I found myself sprinting towards my bathroom hunching down on the toilet bowl. I was able to notice that two hands gently pulled my hair back making it easier to relieve myself.

Once done I sat down, I didn't notice the tear running on my cheek until he placed his large hand towards my cheek rubbing the one tear drop away.

I wasn't a horrible human like you thought I was. I got up soon after and had enough courage to speak, although it sounded like I was about to break down.

"I'm- Thanks" I gently spoke. Somehow I managed to muster a small smiled and made my way downstairs.


Yasmine's point of view

I woke up to feel a strong arm wrap around my torso. I looked down to see I still had my clothes on. Thank god! I shifted a bit and turned to see who was beside me. It being the one and only Ashton. My cheeks suddenly began to heat up.

I tried to pry myself away from him, while doing so I remembered last night perfectly.


I ran upstairs quickly into my room trying to calm down. I started bursting into tears and uncontrollable sobs. I only tried to shut up when I heard the door creak open. I looked up to see Ashton there.

He quickly made his way over to me. Wrapping his oh so warm and strong arms around me. By now I was hiccuping trying to stop the tears roll down my face.

"You're beautiful just the way you are alright? One mark doesn't say anything, you're truly beautiful" he whispered softly kissing my forehead. I must've yawned because he then picked me up bridal style and softly place me on the bed. He then got in and hesitantly wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You're perfect, Yasmine" Was the last thing I heard before I slowly was sucked into the black slumber awaiting me. Feeling a pair of lips on my forehead caused me to smile slightly before I was knocked out.

~Flashback Over~

"Morning" A sexy morning voice spoke making my jump slightly.

Only to make Ashton chuckle. I had now noticed that he was shirtless. I was scanning his amazingly toned and muscled body when someone interrupted.


I felt my cheeks begin to flush again.

"Oh sorry" I said franticly

"No-no it's fine. But like what you see?" He said cheekily.

"Nah not really" I replied being dishonest.

Causing both of us to erupt in laughter.

After our choruses of laugher died down, it became a little awkward.

"Listen Ashton I just wanted to say thank you for you helping me out yesterday, I know you probably are freaked out at me and think I'm weird or something so I'm- "

"No, you shouldn't be sorry"
Ashton said caressing my cheek.

"Thanks anyways" I smiled at him.


~Victoria's Point of View~

Hangovers are the biggest con to drinking. I get huge headaches and I always have to puke.

Last night I only remember dancing with someone and then kissing them. One thing lead to another and we were in a room. I wasn't naked so hopefully I didn't lose my virginity. I looked around my room and saw Luke on the ground shirtless. God he was so tanned and his skink looked so smooth I was tempted to touch it. It then hit me, Luke was the guy who I was doing the stuff with. Why didn't we 'do it' though? That's why we came upstairs. What made up stop? Not saying I don't care anyway.

My head was clouded with many questions and scenarios.

I got out of bed trying not to make a sound and made my way downstairs.


Scarlett's Point Of View

Last night was unusual? I think that's the word.

My night consisted of checking on the girls and chatting up with a drunk Michael.

I get it, I hate them but it was amusing.

I found out that he's a total nerd, takes naked selfies and that he's a virgin. One thing that stuck to my mind was that he was obsessed with a girl who hates him. I wonder who that girl is.. It's basically the only thing I'm thinking about. Weird huh?

When I woke up, I was on the ground in the living room next to Michael. He was already awake, both his hands to his head while he was staring at the wall.

I got up and made my way to the kitchen. He followed along.

"Didn't know you woke up" he said.

"Yeah I did" I mumbled

"Wanna help me cook breakfast because I'm really lazy to do it all on my own?"

I asked

"Uh. Sure"


The breakfast consisted of eggs, toast, sausage and baked home fries with a side of orange juice.

While setting out the breakfast we heard yelling, and heard multiple feet making their way downstairs, some looking sad, others looking confused and lastly happy?

Okay this is gonna be interesting.

Michael chuckled and I was confused to why but then realized I said that out loud.

Hangovers I tell ya.

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