Team Fluffly Unicorn

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~Calum's Point Of View~


That's all you could hear. The only other sound being our forks and knives clashing against the plates.

I guess you could say we had a reason to be silent with the hangovers and all but it was killing me.

I looked to my left seeing that Luke was beside me following by Ashton then Michael. In front of me is of course Lucy.

I have to be honest I feel horrible for cheating on her but I made a mistake, she should get over it. Next to Lucy was Scarlett, then Yasmine following Victoria.

After a while of eating silently, Lucy finally decided to break the silence.

"Uh, the girls and I have an interview today so right after this we need you to leave after breakfast so we can get ready."

"Yeah ok, sounds good." Ashton said with an evil smirk on his face.

We all gave him knowing looks whereas the girls looked over at him confused. I was trying my very best not to burst out laughing. I found myself focused on Lucy. She was quietly there playing around with her food. Her long black hair was cascaded down her back had made its way towards her face covering it slightly. I frowned upon knowing that I couldn't see her face or try to figure out what she was thinking about.

As if she could sense my staring she looked up to find my big brown eyes. She looked weirded out. I felt like a total idiot. Embarrassed, I looked down to my food blushing slightly, but enough for her to see.

Scoffing she stood up, her chair screeching caught the attention of the others.

"I, um am going to leave to get ready. Bye guys" She said quietly but loud enough for us to hear.

Once we were all finished eating breakfast, we went upstairs to get our jackets. Once I reached the room where I was sleeping, I turned to knob only to be knocked over with surprise. There stood Lucy in a floral dress ending above her knees. Hair straightened, flowing all the way down her back. To say she looked pretty was a understatement, she looked beautiful. Although I had opened the door, she hadn't reacted anyway. I was stood frozen just staring at her applying makeup. My breath hitched as soon as she turned around.

"Your jackets over there." She pointed towards the chair, where my jackets was hanging on.

"Uh ya thanks." I silently walked towards the chair and picked my jacket up.

"Uh bye Lucy" I said. It felt weird to say Lucy when I usually called her Luce or her real name that she really hated.

"Yea bye Calum."

I walked towards the door and went downstairs and waited for the rest of the boys.

~Ashton's Point Of View~

All of these girls are gorgeous. But Yasmine was beautiful. Her white strapless dress ending above her knees made her look like a model. Sucks that she's gonna be soaked in it.

The prank was gonna happen today since they have their interview today. We're gonna crash it and pounce on them with water balloons. It's gonna be hilarious considering they all are wearing dresses. Our plan was to sneak into the interview and basically throw a bunch if water balloons until they're soaking wet.

As Michael and Luke comes down, I feel excited and rush the boys out the door.


~Scarlett's Point Of View~

As I was getting ready to go on the interview, I see Diane coming towards us.

"Hello girls, I hope the party went ok with the boys?" Diane asked in a better mood then the last time we saw her.

"Uh yeah perfect." Yasmine expelled with a fake smile.

Lucy and Victoria were trying their very best not to laugh and ended up snickering.

"Girls your on in 2." Someone randomly popped up.

We all lined up and waited for our cue until we heard Ellen welcoming us.

I was first to enter grinning at the crowd then hugging Ellen followed by the other girls. We all sat down and then the interview started. Basically the normal questions.

"When is the tour?" Ellen asked excitement shun brightly within her eyes.

"Uh in 3 months." Replied Lucy excitement across her eyes seeing as it was our first time going on tour.

"Anyone to open yet?' Ellen questioned.

"No, not yet." I answered.

"Ah I see, now it seems here that you guys have been hanging out with other bands, care to share?"

"Urm well we had a party and invited 5th Harmony, One Direction and the 5SOS boys." Yasmine stated.

"Five sauce?" Ellen asked confused by Yasmine's use of slang.

"Yeah I ment 5 S-O-S but was just really lazy." Yasmine smiled slightly causing the audience to bellow with laughter. I didn't realize it was that funny but apparently it was.

"Speaking of the 5SOS boys, I heard they were here for support?" Ellen was intrigued I guess.

"No not that I'm aware of." Victoria frowned upon answering.

Just after that we heard mighty loud battle cries erupting the whole studio.

What on earth is going on?

~Michael's Point Of View~

"Ok, ready guys?" Ashton asked. I could tell that he was about to burst with all of his excitement.

"Yah let's do this." Luke cheered.
We were in the studio where the girls were for their interviews with buckets of water balloons in them.

"Ok let's go." Calum said, sticking to the serious face he had as always.

"N-no wait guys, we need a team name!" I shouted

"Uhg fine what?" Calum replied groaning.

"I don't know, who about the avengers? So we could be cool" I said getting jittery.

"No no no, his about Team fluffy unicorn. 1 because I came up with the plan. 2 Unicorns are adorable. And three, LOOK AT MY SHIRT BITCHES!" Ashton exclaimed. After a moment of silence Luke said;

"Team Fluffy Unicorn it is" Grinning ecstatically.

We all ran down the halls like like monkeys screaming our Team name and filling the halls with our loud battle cries.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a long time. There really isn't that much of an excuse but yeah, sorry. I hope you liked this chapter and please vote and comment your ideas and recommendations. Btw, ZAYN LEFT ONE DIRECTION. **cries silently** Also, I changed Sania to Scarlett and Mackenzie to Victoria. Sorry if you got confused. Xx
~ Lucy Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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