Suprise Suprise

125 5 3

~Yasmine's Point Of View~

"Shit" I heard Victoria whispering.

"Guys don't worry it was just a slap and nothing else we can't be in that much trouble" I said.

All of them agreeing in unison

To be honest Luke deserved that slap.


We were currently on our way to our meeting when we had to stop for gas.

Scarlett said that she had wanted to go use the wee so she left.

"What the hell?"

I hear Lucy talking to herself. She was currently leaning against the window staring at something.

Curious I go up and went beside her.


I said, my eyes following her gaze.

It hit me like a wrecking ball.

The 5SOS bus right across from us. What were they doing here? I had seen Lucy's face change but I managed to leave it alone.

~Scarlett Point Of View~

I was just finishing up using the bathroom. I tried to avoid the direction across from me since I saw the 5SOS bus. I directed my gaze to the ground.

Of course being the clumsy one I am I bumped into someone falling straight on my ass.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said in a rushed tone.

I looked up to find Michael across from myself just staring at me.


"N-no it's my fault IM sorry" he emphasized. Finally saying something other than just staring at me.

He quickly got up and reached his hand out offering me some help. I was about to accept it when I remembered what he did. I quickly retracted my hand, snorted and got up by myself.

"Thanks but no thanks" I said rudely.

I made my way back to the bus stop.

~Michaels Point Of View~

She rejected me?


~Victoria Point Of View~

We all witnessed Scarlett and Michaels 'love affair' and I planned on questioning her about it.

As soon as she made her way on the bus I quickly approached her.

"Where were you" I asked

"Washroom why" she said

"Oh really, and that's all?" I asked

"Yes, that's all"

I sighed

"Scarlett, I saw you with Michael, what's going on?"

She sighed as well.

"Nothing I swear. To be honest I rejected him, we bumped into each other and fell and he offered me up but I didn't accept"



I quickly added

~Luke's Point Of View~

We had seen the girls bus, but what were they doing here? We were making our way to our manager Diane for a meeting she called us about.

Waiting impatiently tapping my foot, I saw the door swing open.

It revealed 4 girls


Victoria was there

I still can't forget the slap she gave me about 4 hours ago. It was just so tempting to put my arm around her. I regretted it right after because now she probably hates me.

There were furious faces on the girls. We had them on too, I had more like a frown though.

"Eh-hem, excuse me?!"

We all turned our heads to the front desk women.

"Diane will have both your groups her office now"

"No bloody way"
Ashton said

"We were having a separate conference not with those losers"
Yasmine said, all the girls laughing

Ashton gave her a glare and she returned it with a smirk.

Ashton was speechless not much like him but eh.

A door opened up and in came a frustrated Diane.

"All of you, in here now" she said sternly

We all piled into her room.

She sat in her chair and all of us were left standing except for Lucy and Calum who took the seats.

"First of all you guys need to grow up" Diane started off. "I will need to do something about what happened today with the slap" I gave Victoria a death glare and she returned on too. "Therefore I will need you two to start interacting on social medias. Meaning ; Twitter and Instagram. You two will have to be talking online about each other.. Positive things, and will be having to take photos with unto and posting them with captions. Don't make it look like you two are dating make it look like you two are friends but also don't make it too obvious."

"Oh and speaking of interaction, girls I know you have a party coming up and you invited 1D and Fifth Harmony so 5SOS is welcome as well for the publicity. This is all for the publicity and for you guys to get along with each other. I also want you guys to know more about each other, meaning I want you guys to search up interview in each other. Before the party ok?"


We all groaned in unison

"Oh and if anything else happens I will take this to a next level.. Understood?"

"YESSSS" we all shouted CLEARY frustrated at the news we had been given.

I guess this was only the start?

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