(Part 02)

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_In the name of Allah the most high_

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*Seducing the cute prince*

_By Abi Sufyan Umar_

*Part 02📚*


🔊 _[Don't skip the announcement at the end of this Chapter]

Aidan's POV
It's Monday morning, I'm just done having a warm bath, i got dressed in my beautiful clothes, which I bought new. I didn't have my hair cut, instead I have them nicely combed. "Well I'm all set" I quote, while taking a good look at myself to know whether I look handsome or not. "Does this dress even fits me, do I look attractive..?" I began to ask myself as I continuously keep looking at myself in the mirror.
"What...if I look attractive, it is not like there's anyone to compliment me, let alone the only Jambuz's kingdom heir, who may probably have someone he likes or his parent might prepare a blind date for him. it's not like I'm the date or something, so I don't think I've to be more serious about this one sided love. 😁😁..." I make a jest of myself,  before taking my way to the Palace.

Caleb's POV
I really don't know what exactly is happening to me, I couldn't hold myself since morning, all I'm good at is thinking of that descent gentleman, I can't wait anymore to see him, will he even come?, that's what I keep asking myself which I don't even know the reason I'm doing so, or does it means I've fall for him?, whatever it is, I don't care, what's at my top priority now, is to glance at him. After range of thoughts in my mind, I decided to go to the temple's entrance gate myself, to wait for him there, otherwise i might have all my plans mixed up by those bunch of securities, at the doorstep there.

I just got to the gate, responding to the securities greeting me, while I questioned them worriedly "Is there any update about my Diary..?" I quote expecting a good news from them, but I felt disappointed when I heard, "There's no update yet, my Prince" one of the securities replied nodding his head. "Okay....that's good, I will go back to my department, make sure you bring the person to me whenever he is here, this is an order." I commanded
"Roger that, our Prince!!" They respond almost together, while I turned back to my department, wondering whether he's coming or not.

Aidan's POV
"So this is what, to be called a palace" I whispered, glancing at the huge, well built jambuz temple. There are only servants wondering arround and a small number of securities at any side of the temple. "Hugh..." i sighed before stepping in the temple.
"Excuse me Sir" I quote addressing to a security guard. " "Yes....how can I help you" he asked me softly "Amm...I supposed to be seeing the Prince today, how do I proceed" I questioned respectively.  "Okay...if my guess right, you are the finder of the Prince's golden diary, aren't you..?" 
"Of course yes, I'm the one" I answered while letting a simple smile on my face.
"Okay good,...can I see it?" He asked accusingly, I don't bargain about it and I kindly, gave it to him, he collected it, ask his colleague to check on me, before he lead me to the Prince's department. When we reached to the Prince's department, I was like *Wow 😱..what a Paradise.* the place he's living was so beautiful that I can't even put it into words. He asked me to sit in one of the sofas in the large parlour, that's composed of well made furniture, soft carpet, set of cushions (sofa) and the rest (can't mentioned them all), while he went directly into another parlour. two minutes later he came out with the Prince backing him. He was ordered to leave, while the prince sat beside me.
"How's your journey" he asked me in his coolest voice, smilingly. I didn't except this kind of kindness from the heir of jambuz  kingdom, so I felt so uneasy and start to have some butterflies in my stomach.
"It was alright" I respond, politely. "Okay...you ar-"  "Here is the Diary you've been looking for, my prince" I interrupted him, from what he wanted to say. "Thank you,....thank you very much" he said as he grabbed it from my hand. "Thank you a lot, you really did a good help for returning this Diary to me.,....thanks once again, you really deserve to be rewarded" he quote happily. I was like "Is this really, the jambuz's kingdom heir...?, wow he's so kind"
I can't help it but to listen as he speaks, I've no time to think about other unnecessary things, I've to make best use of my time, to know the Prince better, take advantage of the time, to hit on him.
"Why are you so calm?, make yourself at home okay" he quote, comforting me. I nod my head as response.
"Young man, you look great, in your outfits, I like it" he complements me, which makes me excited and amazed, I felt like shouting of joy, but the least I did was a simple smile. "Thanks my Prince" I quote, while i'm still smiling. "Amm...what do you want to eat" he questioned
"I'm full my Prince" I said trying deny the invite, i didn't even closed my mouth and I felt his warmth hand pulling mine, i wasn't stubborn, so I followed him. He pulled a seat and have me seated on it, when we reached the big dinning table, filled with different kind of dishes both those that are eating raw and those that are eating cooked. He constant, that I wasn't eating, so he asked whether, I want him have me fed?
*guess what was my answer*
I answered with a big YES, in my mind, while I respond to him by saying "You don't need to, my Prince, I can do it my self"
"You know, I love it, whenever you called me your Prince, it's feels like I'm the luckiest person in the world" he quote when he stood from his seat, standing at my back. I felt like, dancing but my bad, I can't right now, maybe when I'm get back home.

{Wait...wait...I'm really not dreaming or maybe I zoned out, did he really said he love it, which means he likes me. Wow...what a relief, my crush happened to the first person, to say he loves me, wow I'm really so lucky, what a boon.}

"Let me feed you...okay" he said while he massage my shoulders, it felt so relieving and sweet, so I answered with "okay" coz I can't bargain with him anymore, he stopped from massaging me, and sat beside me, while start feeding me, I didn't make it a big deal for him, coz I ate all what he puts in my mouth, having him sitting next to me and feeding me, I think is also another opportunity to take advantage of him, I turned and face him, looking at his cute face as he feed. "how's the food, he asked while continue looking at him, he asked me for about three time, but I  sincerely didn't heard what he was saying, coz I've already zoned out, thinking how handsome the prince is. Out of no where I felt, his soft lips on my lips, which brings me back to the human world, what's happening? I asked myself, I furrowed my eyes widely, when he kissed me, enforcing himself to me.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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