Chapter 6: A Hold of Plans

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"My lord! You can't be serious!?"

"Are you questioning my decisions?" Tom queried.

"N-no! Of course not!"

"Then shut your mouth, Goyle." Tom said.

"Y-yes, m'lord." Goyle stuttered taking a seat.

"Pardon me, m'lord, but is this because of that Y/N girl?" Lestrange asked.

"N-no." Tom chocked. "These are my own decisions for you to follow. If I catch any of you approach her in any way threatening her or so, I will not hesitate to punish you all. Don't think I didn't see you approach her and got beaten up by her the other day." he said directly looking at Lestrange.

Baffled, Lestrange looks down and stayed quite.

"But this will ruin all your plans-" another injects.

"Are you questioning me as well?!"

"N-no! I'm just implying-"

"Stupefy!" Tom chanted blasting the person.

"Anyone else has something to say?" Tom says looking around the room.

No one dares to say another word indicating the meeting was done. Tom left and headed straight back to the dorms.

There, he meets you sitting on the couch doing some school work.

"How did the meeting go?" you asked.

"Why do you care?"

"Can I not?" you raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'll be up in my dorm." he says.

"Did something happen?" you queried.

Soon, some of his followers comes in the room. One of them looks like as if he had a blast.

"Geez, what happened to y'all." you laughed.

They say nothing but just glare at you. You glare back and raise your grows at them. They snare at you then just continue on.
The next day, you figure out that you have made it into the quidditch team. You want to celebrate, so you went straight to Tom.

"Tom!" you exclaim.

"Someone looks happy today." he points out.

"Duh. I made it into the quidditch team!!"


"Oh, come on. You could be a bit more enthusiastic." you sigh.

"Do I have to?"

"You're no fun." you roll your eye. "You know what. We're going out to celebrate."

"No, thank you." he says about to leave.

You grab him before he can go and say, "You should know I don't take no, Tom."

"I don't have a choice do I?"

"Nope." you smile.

"Whatever. If you're late or anything, I'm not waiting." Tom says.

"Mhm, suree. Saturday, Three Broomsticks at 12pm." you say.

"Can you let go now?" he asks you.

"Oh!" you say realizing you were still holding onto him. "Sorry.."

He nods and leaves. You sit back down sighing. He's surely different from the rest. You may not know him well but you know there's something about him. You then remember the day you were at Diagon Ally getting your wand at Olivander. He had say something to you.

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