Chapter 1: Tom Riddle

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You've always been on the top of your classes. You were also the captain of your Quidditch team. You WERE. Now, you're going to have a new start. You're going to go to a new school and meet new people. You're going to Hogwarts.

There you are, in Diagon Ally getting the supplies you need. You head into a bookstore to get your books and hopefully some others for entertainment. You scan through the shelf looking for a good book and as your reach for it, you meet up with an other hand.

You quickly grab the book before the other person does and then face them.

"Excuse me. That is my book." he says.

He was tall for sure. He had dark brown eyes and raven hair. His face was masculine as he looked down on you.

"Well, I don't see your name embedded on this, do I now?" you say back.

"No, but I want it first." he says.

"Who cares about who wants it first?! I got it first so it's mine!" you fire.

"You must be new here." he says. "I've never seen you around before. Maybe that's why you speak to me in that tone."

"Okay? And so what?" you question.

"The names Riddle. Tom Riddle." he introduces.

"Did I ask?" you question.


"No I didn't so please leave me alone." you say and walk away.

You're not like the others he've met before. His charm doesn't work on you like the way it works on others. He now focuses his attention on you. You're interesting and unlike the rest. What's this feeling?

You get on the train and look for an empty compartment. You finally find one and settled in and thought to yourself.

"Why did we have to move? We were perfectly fine where we were. Why all the sudden? I had many friends back there and a great life so why did we have to move?"

So many unanswered questions. Your family is quite wealthy since your father was a very important in the ministry. He has a big role, but not as big as the minister.

You take out your book that you got in Diagon Ally. This reminds you of the boy you met. Tom Riddle. He seems different from the rest and has a different aura. Unknowingly, you blush a bit coming to the thought of him. His features makes him stand out.

"No! No! Stop thinking about him! He's a jerk and you had only just met him!" you thought.

You get your nose back into the book without knowing that someone has entered your compartment.

"Enjoying that book, I see." he says startling you.

"Merlins! Why are you here?!" you ask.

"Nice book you got there. Hm, isn't that the book you took from me?" he says avoiding your question.

"I can't tell if you're trying to change the subject here or what." you say.

"What subject? You never brought up any subject." he smirked.

"Whatever. Just leave! I'm trying to read my book." you say.

"I never got your name. What is it?" he asks.

"None of your business now scram." you say.

"I'll find out your name one way or an other." he says  about to leave. A part of you didn't want him to leave and secretly enjoyed his company. "By the way, you should get your robes on. We're almost at Hogwarts."

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