✈️Airport ✈️

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(A Sasusaku au)
Sakura started to feel slightly queasy as her stomach flipped and her heart began to race as she stood amongst the large crowd; most of which were waiting for their loved ones as they excited the plane's terminal, much like herself. It had been two long and lonely years since she had last seen her boyfriend Sasuke. Two very, very long and stressful years of being apart from the only man (apart from her father) that she had ever truly and fully loved. She stood on the tips of her toes as she attempted to see across the sea of bodies that stood between her and the entrance where Sasuke would hopefully soon emerge from.

Had he missed her as much as she had missed him?

Did he still feel the same way about her as she did for him?

Would he want it to be her picking him up instead of his brother or family? Maybe she should have let them...

But then she saw it, the sight she had desperately been searching for and her heart nearly stopped as she felt tears begin to well in the back of her bright green eyes. That familiar head of black hair, with that unmistakable spike in the back. It was Sasuke, he was here...finally. She watched in eager anticipation as time seemed to move in slow motion; bodies moved aside slightly to give her a clear view of him. Not much about him had changed apart from maybe his hair being a little longer and she was thankful for that. Sakura waited anxiously as she watched his dark gaze searched the crowd until his orbs finally landed on her and she saw his lips pull up into his signature smirk, the one that always made her weak at the knees. He began to move towards her but she couldn't wait idly for him any longer.

She took off at a quick run towards him and when she was only inches away, she leaped at him; wrapping her arms around his neck just as he wrapped his around her waist and they stood there holding each other close, savoring the feel of one another as they were finally reunited. He lifted her then and spun her once causing the pinkette to throw her head back and laugh at the ridiculous gesture. When he sat her back down onto her feet his body tipped forward so his forehead could rest against hers; his hold never loosened as he continued to hold her close to him, both unwilling to let go just yet. They gazed into each other's eyes; both of their orbs filled with emotion as wide grins spread across their faces. People moved past them but neither seemed to notice as their focus was solely on one another.

"I missed you," she finally whispered, suddenly feeling slightly shy as she clung to him.

"I missed you too Sakura. Come on. Let's go home." He grasped her small hand firmly in his larger one and planted a soft kiss to her lips before turning away and dragged her through the crowd as several sets of eyes watched them go with a look of amusement and happiness for the young couple. Sakura blushed lightly as she followed wordlessly behind her lover until they reached the front doors.

"Wait, shouldn't we go to visit your family first? I know your brother wanted to...," but he stopped her words with a stern look before he helped her into their car that was waiting for them just outside the doors.

"I can talk to Itachi later. He will understand. It's been 2 years since I've seen you Sakura. I want to spend some alone time tighter...just the two of us."

Sakura blushed deeper as she grasped his hand with hers. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." The word was spoken with absolute sincerity and he squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I've been gone for two whole years and I don't want to waste another minute without you."

My Snippets: Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant