User- she really just did that.......

User- @ harmonyrose

User- @ harmonyrose

User- she's jealous

User- yoooo jealous much

User- whys she so clingy it's weird

Callynewton- I'm not jealous harmony and jaden went even dating for a long time they were basically just friends with benefits 😁
User^ put your hand up if this isn't true
Nessabarrett^ 🖐
Emmachamberlain^ 🖐
Dixiedamelio^ 🖐

User- yoooo so she's lying now

User- notice how Jaden didn't even conment... 🤔

User- jaden could do better

User- omg I like cally better then harmony callys prettier

User- is it just me or does Jaden look miserable


I show Emma what it was and she just laughs she laughs hysterically it's actually kinda funny.

"Barbie doll bitch is trying to fight you" Emma laughs

"I'm not going to fight her she's coming at me for no reason" I laugh

I don't get it people want me and Jaden together now I'm so confused this girl probably did something bad. I thought social media hated me they made a full u-turn

Me and Emma ended up falling asleep on the couch watching greys anatomy I love that show.

Few days later

Me and Emma are walking down the street we just got coffee from Emma's favourite spot. I see paparazzi coming towards us slowly. We take pictures with fans Emma hates the paparazzi with a passion it's really funny actually. They end up walking towards us putting cameras in our face

"Hey harmony it's nice to see you back in la" the paparazzi say

"It's good to be back" I laugh

"So have you moved back or did you move in the sway house" they ask

"I did move back but I don't live at sway anymore" I answer

"So what made you come back to social media" they ask

"I was thinking of coming back but I was talking to some friends and they said I should so I did"

"Oh that's nice. So how do you feel about Jaden and his new girlfriend Kylie or cally" they ask and Emma chokes on her coffee laughing. Wow I see he's being straight up huh

"I mean if Jadens moved on and happy then I'm moved on too" I sigh

"Do you miss him" they ask. Wow great questions
I see a familiar car parking at the side of the sidewalk up ahead

"I do miss my old friendships with the boys I do wish it could be like old times but I don't know about that" I shrug

Up ahead in that car that looked familiar I see Jaden josh Anthony Bryce and kio get out of the car. Their moving slow I try walking slower so maybe I don't catch up to them. Emma nudges me in the arm and points with her head to them.

"Have you seen any of the boys" they ask obviously not seeing the boys standing right there

"No one knows I've moved back" I shrug walking really slow

Josh sees me and he nudges kio in the shoulder and points to me. Aw shit they see me. They all end up looking at me but when Jaden sees me after he get out of the car and he just freezes he looks stunned his blue eyes filled with sadness and shock. He just stands there with no words.

"Oh hey look it's josh" the paparazzi say

Oh no here we go


Ok I'm sorry I haven't been active and posting I've been procrastinating and yeah. I put of writing these stories and doing my schoolwork I-
I've been too lazy lately and got writes block I blame James Charles bc I've been watching his videos for the past 5 hours doing nothing instead of sleeping or doing anything. Actually I've been reading other jaden hossler books and yeah fun right

If you were wondering what harmony looks like she looks something like this

If you were wondering what harmony looks like she looks something like this

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Please leave suggestions and ideas in the comments

Have a good day


Fix me (sequel to broken promises)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora