Jeongwoo can't help but to furrow his brows with a mix of amusement and confusion written on his face. “Are you possessed?” he blurted out.

The taller male laughs and shake his head, he spare a quick glance to Jeongwoo before playing with a teacup shiba inu.

“I’ve always wanted to adopt a puppy from this cafe.” Haruto said smiling and Jeongwoo slowly nod before he crouch down next to the taller male.

“Why don't you adopt one then?”

A small maltese automatically made the archangel smile as it climbs on his lap causing him to fully sit down on the floor. He gently caress it while starring at Haruto.

Hearing the taller male heave a heavy sigh made Jeongwoo curious but he choose to remain quiet while waiting for the other to speak.


“Iced latte and Iced chocolate with glazed doughnut for my angel!” the cashier enthusiastically announced making the two look back at the direction.

Jeongwoo was confused at first but when he heard Haruto burst out in laughter, it immediately occurred to him. “Get our order” the immortal said while grinning at him.

Contrary to the fact that he's embarrassed, Jeongwoo tried to maintain a straight face as he walk towards the cashier to get their order. The woman in the counter gave him a teasing smile while carefully handing the small tray.

“You’re the first one” the woman said smiling from ear to ear. The archangel smiled back a little but look at her in confusion.

“First what?”


“Jeongwoo, what's taking you looooong?” Haruto called out acting like a kid throwing a tantrum and Jeongwoo can only shake his head before thanking the cashier once again.

The taller male is now seated in one of the seats near the glass window, still playing with the puppy on the floor but soon lifted his gaze to Jeongwoo.

Haruto smiled at him as he muttered a small ‘thank you’ and proceed to take a sip of his latte. One hand on the cup and the other one on his phone as if looking at something important.

Now that Jeongwoo think of it, the other male doesn't seem as bad as he thought he would be. Though somehow arrogant and annoying, the latter helped him a lot especially in discovering their forgotten selves.

“You should adopt a puppy if you're dying to have one.” Jeongwoo said breaking the silence.

Haruto just watch the archangel took a big bite of the doughnut. He nods before leaning back on the pastel couch. “I’ll get one soon.”

“Good for you. Are we going home after this?”

There was a moment of silence after Jeongwoo asked that question. The taller male stir the iced latte slowly before he look up to meet Jeongwoo’s eyes. Feet tapping against the marble floor of the cafe as he tried to construct the words inside his head, careful not to make a dumb mistake.

Haruto took a deep breath and slightly leaned forward. Eyes fixated on Jeongwoo's in the most serious way. “Do you mind spending the rest of the day to go on a date with me?”

The archangel stared at the latter tongue-tied, his heart beating fast for some reason. His lips parted a little while trying to get himself together to atleast say a word.

“Me? Date? With you?” he muttered nervously pointing to himself then to Haruto.

“Yeah? I mean— okay, you can say no if you don't want to. No worries.” Haruto assured.

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