Among Us

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"If you actually win as an imposter, ill bleach my hair." Sapnap laughed after winning as imposter for the past three rounds, killing Drista and Tammy first every time. The two blond girl's he was talking to just smirked.

Imposter, showed up on the girls' screens, smirking slightly, we're winning this bet...

The duo headed off to nav first, their older brothers following close behind. They faked a download and some wires, the older blondes seeing that their siblings were in tasks where about to leave when the kill bar finished loading. If anyone was nearby they could've heard the thuds of two body's hitting the metal floor.

The imposters shared a quick look before hopping in the vents and crawling down to shields. Two down, four more to go.

Tammy peaked and saw no one was around before crawling out of the vent, Drista following soon after. Running to Electrical their kill bars just filled up when a body was reported.

Wilbur: I just walked into nav to do some wires when I saw two body's just laying there.

George: didn't Drista and Tammy go that direction at the beginning?

Drista: ya, but we only went to o2. I had to clean the air filters, then we went through the cafe to Electrical because we didn't want to go past Nav where an Imposter could vent in and kill us!

Sapnap: Child, sus...

Tammy: And how is it us? It's kinda sus that Wilbur reported not long after the game started, he and someone else could have dubble-killed then self reported to make it seem like it's not him.

Snap: Times running out, we should just skip

Majority skipped, but Sapnap voted for Tammy.

George and Sapnap headed off to the left of the map. Wilbur went off to the left with Techno. Damion and Snap headed down into admin. The imposter duo stayed in the cafe for a little while, faking wires before following Sapnap and George.

They walked into the reactor and saw the older duo there. George was doing Simon Says, and Sapnap was unlocking the manifolds.

The young blonds kill bars only had a few more seconds, they shared a look before running in there. Drista shot Sapnap through the back and Tammy stabbed George. Just as the body's hit the ground they heard someone dimming behind them, quickly turning they saw Damion and Snap. The brunette girl winked at them as Damion pressed the report button.

Damion: Me and Snap went around to the reactor after finishing in Admin and saw Sapnap and George's body's.

Wilbur: Did you see anyone near there?"

Snap: No, we just heard a thud and then saw the body's.

Drista: Techno is being awfully quiet-

Techno: That's because I have nothing to say

Drista: Sus...

Techno: It really isn't

Tammy: Where was everyone?

Wilbur: I went to O2, then Nav with Techno

Drista: After doing wires in Cafe I went to Admin

Tammy: I was in Cafe with Drista, then went down to electrical

Wilbur: didn't you two go to Electrical at the end of last round?

Tammy: I was doing the circle thingy, you know? It has three and spins around and you have to tap at a certain time? I suck at that one.

Drista: I only had to divert power, I didn't do the second half of that task yet because it's too easy and I thought I should complete my other tasks first.

Damion: We should probably skip again, even if the imposters only have two more kills to win if we vote a crew mate off we're dead.

Techno: I dunno, Drista is pretty sus for heading the way of the body first round and accusing me earlier...

Snap: Just vote now! We're running out of time again!

Wilbur and a Techno voted for Drista
Tammy and Drista votes for Techno
Snap and Damion skipped
Three way tie, no ejections.

Techno headed into Med, Wilbur went into Admin. The four SMP Siblings headed to the left, the imposters having a confused look on their faces.

When they were far enough away that no one else could hear them Tammy asked, "Why didn't you say it was us?"

Snap shrugged, "We wanted you to win, besides: it would be amusing to see my brother with bleach blond hair."

"You can kill us now if you want." Damion said.

"Why should we?" Drista said, "You didn't out us when you could have, besides: we could just vote out the adults as a group."

An amused bloomed on Snaps face, "We should do that: Just day nothing the whole time and all vote one of them out. They would be so confused."

Damion and Tammy agreed and the four headed to cafe, pressing the emergency meeting button.

Wilbur: Why'd your call the meeting?

Tammy has voted: 5 remain
Damion has voted: 4 remain

Techno: Uhh, what?

Drista has voted: 3 remain
Snap has voted: 2 remain

Wilbur: should we vote??

Techno: They probably planned this.

Wilbur soot voted: 1 Remains
Techno has voted: 0 remain

—— Wilbur soot was Not the Imposter —-

As soon as the round started Tammy savotoshed the reactor. All five went to fix it. The second the kill bars filled up Techno's head was cut off.


Let's just say Sapnap was in a bad mood and didn't really like his new hair color... and Snap definitely didn't laugh when he first showed his new-hair.

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