Bonus Chapter- Patrick's Awakening

Start from the beginning

Patrick felt something wrong at the pit of his stomach.

"Andy? Joe?" Patrick croaked, the dryness of his throat preventing him from speaking much.

"Oh my God...Patrick..." Andy repeated, breathing out the words- his mouth was still hanging open, as if they were the only words he could say.

Still, Patrick noticed that the both of their face expressions were the same, and Patrick became filled with the feeling of worry that just seemed to intensify. What's happened? Then he noticed that Pete wasn't with them. Has something happened to him? Is he- Patrick didn't want to think it, but he no clue what had happened, and Joe and Andy's face expressions possibly indicated that something of that nature had happened, and with Pete not being with them....

Patrick swallowed, trying to get moisture to his throat and fight against the burning in his throat that was preventing him from speaking. "Joe? Andy? Is everything ok?"

However neither of them replied, but instead the two of them just looked at each other, their eyes sending private messages to each other, the eyes that were filled with sadness.
What's going on? Why won't they tell me anything? Not knowing made Patrick worry even more, and he needed to know.

"What happened? Tell me, did something happen to Pete? Or to you two?"

Joe and Andy exchanged looks once more before turning back to Patrick. It was Joe that finally spoke, but his voice came out as a whisper, as if he were afraid to say the words. "You don't....know what's going you?"

"Know what?" Demanded Patrick, growing rather impatient. All of a sudden, he felt a slight nip at his bottom lip- something about it felt strange but he shrugged it off as nothing.

Patrick let out a sigh, waiting for the two of them to answer but neither of them did. The silence filled the air between Patrick and Joe and Andy, which gave the room full of tension, and didn't help Patrick calm the feeling of terror that was trying to overcome him like a large wave consuming the shore.

"Why won't you tell me what's going on?" Now Patrick was becoming hysteric and all the questions swirling in his mind all came out at once. "What is wrong? Did I fall asleep or something? Where's Pete? Did something bad happen-"

"This isn't about Pete or us two." Interrupted Andy, but the words sounded like they were forced to come out, knowing that as soon as he said it, he had to continue. "This is"

Patrick was confused. "Me? Why me?"

Andy and Joe exchanged looks once more, and Patrick had known both of them long enough to know what certain looks mean; this one was saying that they had to tell something they didn't want to.
What about me? Have I done something? I can't remember.... No matter how much Patrick tried hard to remember anything that could help him, no new memories came up in his mind.

Andy cleared his throat, but his voice cracked as he did so. "Patrick..." He began, but Patrick could see he was struggling to continue. "We're not exactly sure how, or why, it happened, but basically when we went to go face the Dandies, Thomas showed up; he's a vampire, Patrick, he'd tricked us all this time, he's the real leader of the Dandies, not William."

Andy paused to let Patrick take the information in- a vampire? It took Patrick a while to process what he was being told, mainly because he couldn't believe it. They'd known Thomas for a while, and he'd always helped them on occasion, he couldn't believe they hadn't realised that he was a vampire sooner. However, something still didn't add up for Patrick: how was Thomas with them when he was here with me?

And then he remembered the strong aching in his neck and his head. And Patrick had a feeling that Thomas being a vampire wasn't the only thing that Andy and Joe needed to tell him.

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