Baseball Time

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Second chapter, here we go.

Disclaimer: I do not own Assassination Classroom.


Sugino and Nagisa stood at the edge of the woods in front of the rundown school building. Sugino held a baseball embedded with BBs while the bluenette beside him had his notebook out. They had maybe ten minutes until the first bell, but they couldn't start the attempt without the third member.

"Are you sure she's coming?" Tomohito asked, glancing around impatiently for any sign of the girl. He had the feeling she might have bailed on the idea and not said anything to Nagisa.

"Of course," the bluenette replied assuredly. "She's the one who said she wanted to help when she overheard."

"Any idea what she wants to do? I thought we already had everything planned out," the other boy asked as he tossed the ball up and caught it.

"I'm going to watch the attempt and see if there's anything I can get out of it," Jina answered, appearing from nowhere and startling the both of them. "Nagisa and I will write notes on our target. That way they can be useful to the whole class. We plan to take notes in our own style, too, so there'll be a safety net. If one of us doesn't write something down, there's a chance the other will." The dirty-blonde looked down at her own small notebook, decorated with a title in messy marker and various stickers of characters. "It's not much, but I think it'll be worth it in the long run. He has to have more weaknesses, and he can't keep them hidden forever."

Sugino was quiet for a moment, eyes a bit wide, as he observed the girl's demeanor. Though her expression remained impassive as usual, her features seemed much softer and made her look more approachable. He also noticed that she now wore her blazer unbuttoned, giving the impression that she was more laid-back. "Uh, that's a smart way of thinking," he managed to say after realizing he was staring. "Now we just need him to reveal something worth writing down."

"He will. The longer we're around him, the more we'll learn. Assassination attempts will help, too, since we'll see his abilities and weaknesses in action," the dirty-blonde pointed out.

"And we should make our attempt soon. The bell for first period is going to ring in just a few minutes," Nagisa reminded.

Sugino nodded, lifting the anti-BB studded baseball. "Let's go before we miss our chance." The group entered the woodline and not far into it, they found Korosensei in his favorite spot. A nice place with the perfect amount of sun and shade with relative quiet. A perfect place to grade papers, come up with personalized tests for his students, or for just relaxing before class.

Hidden behind a few trees that surrounded Korosensei's little clearing, the three eyed him as he read from a newspaper that appeared to be in English. "There he is," Sugino said in a quiet voice as he peered at the target from around the tree. "Chillin' out back before first bell, not a care in the world. Readin' a Hawaiian newspaper casually picked up from Hawaii on the way here." He turned to smile at the bluenette. "Nice. Good work, Nagisa. Thanks, I owe you one."

Jina looked down at her own notebook. As of now, it was pretty sparse on notes. The only ones she had currently were the few she had taken herself and some Nagisa had shared with her to get her up to speed. Either way, right now she felt useless.

"You're welcome," Nagisa nodded at Tomohito. "Best of luck, Sugino." The dirty-blonde snapped herself back to attention. If she was going to be helpful in the future, she'd need to actually observe this and future attempts.

The boy chuckled. "Ten billion big, here I come," he replied confidently, holding up the ball. He got into position for a standard fastball throw and chucked it as hard as he could at his target.

The Shy Assassin (Assassination Classroom x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora