Chapter 6 - Too Much Faith in the Stars

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Brian tilted his head at her, offering her a disapproving look.  "Tifa, you are not a little girl anymore," he chastised her, and Tifa felt her cheeks brighten with humiliation.  "I know that you had your ideals about things, but now we need to start thinking seriously about your future."

"Please elaborate,"  Tifa couldn't stop herself from biting out.

Brian pursed his lips into a thin line until they disappeared beneath his mustache.  "A woman like you needs to be very careful when considering the kinds of men that you would invite into your life," he began.  "You are very wealthy, in case you have forgotten, and poor, average Joes like Strife would go out of their way to attach themselves to you.  This is a dangerous game to be playing."

Tifa could not believe what she was hearing.  Was her father actually suggesting that Cloud might only be interested in her money?

Her father couldn't possibly be that cynical, could he?  Or that stupid?

"Not only that," he continued ruthlessly, "But you now have a very prominent role in one of the largest institutions in the world.  You need to guard your reputation carefully, and that begins significantly with how you treat your personal life.  It won't be long before the tabloids are chasing after you, a young woman as successful and beautiful as you are.  You do not want to give them an excuse drag your name through the mud."

The fury that was stacking inside of her with his every word was becoming unbearable, leaving Tifa feeling like she might scream if he said another word.

"My personal life, and who I choose to date, are no one's business," she informed him carefully.

"That may be the way that you see it, Tifa," her father replied.  "But I can assure you, that nothing is further from the truth.  You were born into a certain position in life, and you are simply going to have to learn to accept what comes with that."

Tifa's knee began to buckle and sway.

Brian sighed, shaking his head again.  "I've learned that Rufus asked you out, and that you refused him," he said in a low, serious tone.  "What are you thinking?  Are you trying to embarrass me, Tifa?"

Tifa's eyes widened in shock, and she wondered if it were possible for this conversation to get any worse from here.

She started to respond, but her father was at his feet, suddenly pacing as he continued, waving a finger down at her.  "If Rufus Shinra asks you on a date, Tifa, goddamnit , you accept," he scolded.  "I don't have time for your childish behavior.  And Rufus would be good for you.  He's older, mature, and stable ."

Tifa had never been a disrespectful or defiant daughter, but she was moments away from snapping at her father, seconds from cursing him for the audacity of his words, they were so unbelievable.  She was well aware of the control that he was trying to leverage over her life, but this was a bridge too far, flaming her neck hot, the rage threatening to boil over in a nasty outburst.

"No," Tifa replied evenly, working hard to control herself.  "I am not interested in dating him."

Brian stopped his pacing, turning to face her, a threatening look on his face.

"Tifa," he warned,  "Do not defy me.  This is about more than just your silly crush on that Strife boy.  This is about your future and mine, and our future with the Company."

She narrowed her eyes at him, certain that he was not suggesting that somehow, he wanted her to date Rufus as part of some ploy to improve his own standing with the Shinras.

"What are you saying?" She asked him slowly, her hands balling up into fists in her lap.

Brian resumed his seat on the couch, this time leaning forward over his knees, adjusting his necktie. "All I am saying," he responded in a level, even tone, "Is that if Rufus Shinra asks you out again, you accept.  At least give him a chance."

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