"I know, at first it felt like it was wrong but then I remembered that it's for the happiness of our friends, so it's worth it"

((Bad having a wholesome moment be like🥺🥺🥺))

I smiled at this "I guess you're right"

"Right about what?" Dream spoke coming back, we both jumped a little.

He looked at us with an eyebrow raised waiting for an answer. I was about to speak but Bad spoke first.

"Well Dream, we were talking about something important, and we came to the conclusion that it's better if we let you know" he started.

"Something important? If it's so important why din't you guys told me sooner?" He asked and sat down. "Come on, you got my attention now" he gently smiled.

"Well, remember the Hardcore stream we did?" I started.

"The one were you guys were responding 'yes alpha' to everything?" He laughed.

"Yea that one"

"Ok what about that stream?" He asked.

"It's not what happened in the stream, but what happened after" Bad spoke.

"What do you mean what happened after? I just fell asleep in the couch watching tv with George" Dream stated.

"Wellllllll, more than that happened actually" I spoke scratching the back of my neck, he really is clueless.

"Ah?" He tilted his head.

"Just look at this" Bad said handing him his phone, with the video from that night.

As Dream watched the video more and more his questioned expression shifted into one of shock and somehow concerned. His face also took some shades of faded red and you could see his freckles more clearly. I had to hold a laugh as a very funny thought that he looked like a stawbery crossed my mind but were having a serious conversation so I had to cast that aside. After he gave Bad back his phone he let out a heavy sigh and ran his hands through his hair. He looked at us and the first thing he said was sorry, but we told him it was fine, that's not we had showed him that video. He din't say anything else and just stayed in thought, most likely analyzing his actions. Bad was about to say something but Dream stood up and went upstairs. Before going up he thanked us for showing him the video and continued to leave. Me and Bad looked at each other in confusion but dismissed it since we have done enough for now.


Dream fell on to his bed and just stared at the ceiling in though. His mind once again going at a 100 miles per hour, maybe more. He was so confused, why did he do that? And how come he doesn't remember doing it, at least not fully, he just thought it had been a weird dream. It couldn't be a bluff or a prank, that was definitely him on that video. And why did Bad and Sapnap din't show it to him earlier? He rubbed his eyes in a tired manner, he wants to just know what the fuck is up with his mind, he just can't think straight...


Could that be it?

Dream sat up, shock in his expression.

It's a fair reason...

He's always been attracted to women and such, but, there's a peculiar thing that always get's stuck in his mind. That being George... The though of just his voice, or his smile, his scent, or him in general is always somehow on Dream's mind...

He felt heat rise to his face, he was so oblivious before, but he started to think at all the little things that had happened ever since the others moved in. And of course, the things he had done... Dream felt like one fucking idiot.

Mine and Mine only.... [[Dream not found Omegaverse]] Where stories live. Discover now