Chapter 1

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A/N picture of Rose at the top//

Rose's POV
The gravel underneath my tires split, as I drove down the dirt road. I took a deep breath, and looked out my driver's side window.
A small sign stood in the dirt, "Welcome to Harlan County." A hint of a smile played at my lips as I passed it.
Let's just keep this simple: my name is Rose James. I'm just an average 26 year old lady, trying to start clean and fresh.
After another ten minutes, I arrived at my destination.
The Harlan motel.
I parked my car in the first available space, and stepped out.
I walked up to the lobby, and opened the door, approaching the front desk.
The man at the counter gave me a once over, and smiled.
"What can I do for you?" He asked.
"Room for one." I replied, plastering a smile on my face.
He grabbed the money from my hand as I grabbed the room key from his.
I smiled in response, and looked down at the key. Room 10.
I walked back outside to my car, and grabbed my single bag of belongings.
I sauntered over to Room 10, unlocking the door, and stepping inside.
I looked around. There was a single bed, a table and a small TV. It was an okay arrangement for what I paid.
I let out a sigh, as I plopped on the bed.
My stomach growled. I know what I need.
10 minutes later
I turned off the ignition of my car, and stepped out. I walked up to the front door of the small convenience store.
A bell jingled as I walked inside.
I walked down each aisle, glancing around.
After a few minutes, I grabbed some essentials, and made my way up to the register.
I gave the cashier a smile, as he started ringing up my items.
After a few minutes, he handed me a paper bag, and I walked out of the store.
I was searching my purse for the keys to my car when I bumped into someone.
"Shit, I'm sorry." The man apologized.
I pushed a piece of my loose hair behind my ear.
"It's fine.." I mumbled.
Our eyes met, and I couldn't look away. Standing in front of me was the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on.
Raylan's POV
My mind was elsewhere. At the moment, all I wanted was a coffee. Without realizing where I was walking, I bumped into a girl who came out of the convenience store.
"Shit, I'm sorry." I apologized.
"It's fine." I heard her mumble a reply.
After a second, we locked eyes, and I almost lost my breath. This woman was absolutely beautiful.
I regained my composure though.
"I don't think I've seen you around here before, darlin'. Where did you come from?" I asked her, a smirk on my face.
She smirked back, looking down at her feet.
"I just rolled in, actually."
I put my hand on my belt, and cocked my hip.
I looked her over.
"Where are you staying?" I asked this time.
"The motel." She replied, shyly, almost embarrassed.
The girl started to walk over to her car, and placed the bag of groceries through the back window and onto the seat.
I watched her, thinking.
'Come on, Raylan, you can do better than that!'
Before she could get into the driver's seat, I sauntered over.
Rose's POV
I was just about to close my door, when the man in the tan sheriff's hat placed his hand on it, stopping my car door from closing.
He shot me a gorgeous, facial-haired smirk, and looked me in the eyes.
"My name's Raylan Givens, U.S. Marshall. Welcome to Harlan County."
I thought for a moment before meeting his eyes again.
A moment of silence ensued before Raylan spoke to me again.
"I didn't catch your name."
A smile playing at my lips, I looked him straight in the eyes.
"Rose James."
Raylan nodded, and removed his hand from my car door.
With that, I started the engine, and made my way back to the motel.
I smiled to myself as thoughts filled my mind.
All of them having relevance to Raylan Givens.
Raylan's POV
I smiled to myself as I approached the front door of the store. Thinking about the beautiful new girl in town.
Rose James.
I hoped I would see her again.
In fact, I planned on it.
A/N okay!! First chapter of my new short story! Please please let me know what you guys think!! Comment, vote!
I really want to capture the characters of the show, like Raylan, and my own character, Rose.
Next chapter will be up soon, and will have a picture of Raylan Givens, played by the actor, Timothy Olyphant. And damn, is he FINE!! xx

Justified: A Short Story (based on the TV show)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora