"Mommy why is your belly moving?"

"Come here give me your hand" They both come over, y/n takes both of their hands and places it on her stomach.

"Woah what is that?" Itsuki asks, curiously looking at her tummy belly.

"That's your sister she is moving" I say wrapping my arms around her belly.

" That's so cool"

"It is" I say

~2 month later~

My Pov:

I can feel the burning of my back and feet as I cook dinner for the boys.

"Mommy when is daddy coming home"

"He should be here soon" I bite my bottom lip as the burning intensifies.

"Mommy why are you doing that"

"Doing what" I ask trying to act oblivious

"You keep switching the foot your on"

"It's nothing" I plaster a smile on.

Just as I continue to cut the asparagus I hear the door open and the pattering feet of my sons heading towards the door.

"Love you know you're not supposed to be hunched over like that you're 7 months pregnant and I can tell your feet hurt" He says grabbing my hands to get me to stop chopping.

"Let me finish dinner and then I'll sit"

"Ok I'm going to shower"

I cook the asparagus and serve the boys and Tetsurou chicken and asparagus.

"Eat you guys" I say as I walk to the kitchen and start doing the dishes.

"Love I just got out of the shower, where are the plates?"

"Your plate is on the table" I say, washing the pan I used.

"Kitten, sit down and eat. I will clean up" He wraps his arms around my back.

"No it's fine I just need to fin-" I'm interrupted by his lips crashing against mine.

"Come on" I roll my eyes and wash my hands and head over to the tabe with Tetsurou. As I sit down I feel my back and feet feel a bit of relief.

"Thank you Mom"

"Your welcome" I smile

After dinner I walk into the living room, the boys are playing on the floor, I see a sock on the floor. I bend over trying to grab the sock, Itsuki grabs the sock and hands it to me.

"Thank you love" I smile at him and he smiles back.

"y/n sit on the couch," Tetsu says to me.

"Tetsu I ha-"

"y/n, I will do it, take a seat and let me give you a massage"

"Mom sit we'll rub your feet" Itsuki says as they both smile

"It's ok keep playing I'm ok"

"Come on mommy we want to" Hotaka pleads.

All 3 of my boys stand in front of me erging me to sit. I sigh and move to the couch.

"Alright boy we got her to sit" They all give each other a high five.

"Dad you get her back we got her feet"

They all come over Hotaka brings the lotion the boys are positioned at my feet and Tetsurou probed me up with a pillow. All of the boys give me a massage and I can feel myself slowly falling asleep.

Tetsurou's Pov:

"We got her to see boys, we did well" I give them all a high five as I look at her sleeping figure.

"Can you open the door I'm going to be carrying mom to our bedroom" They run over to our door waiting, I gently scoop her into my arms and carry her into the bedroom, Hotaka moves the blanket and I set her there then cover her body. I kiss her forehead and head to the boys bedroom putting them to bed.

~2 months later~

My Pov:

"One more push y/n you can do it Kitten" I look at Tetsurou, I feel the contraction and push with everything I got. I look up and see the nurse talk my baby girl and clean her off then hand her to me.

"My baby girl" I can feel the tears fall from my cheeks. A few minutes later I ask looking up at him

"Tetsurou, do you want to hold her?" he nods. I hand her to him.

"My princess," He says, bringing her to his chest.

"For her name what do you think about Ichika" I ask looking up at him. He's so adorable with his little girl in his arms.

"Its beautiful you know she looks like you she just has my hair" He laughs wiping his tears.

"I can already tell she's a daddy's girl"

"Yep and she's my little princess" He answers

"Mom" I hear Itsuki ask as he walks in the room.

"Hi loves" they run over to me in bed.

"Guys be gentle with mom ok she just had your sister"

They gently give me a hug.

"Guys come meet your sister" He says as he sits next to me. They both walk over to Tetsurou and look at their new sister.


"She's so pretty she looks just like mom"

I smile as I look at my beautiful family.

"I love you all"

"We love you too"

The End

Thanks for reading I hope you liked it :) 

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