The last time he touches you

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Y/N - your name
Y/L/N - your last name

(Your POV)
You wake late today today as you forgot to set your alarm. It was 7:20am. You run out of bed and into the bathroom and brush your teeth. You rush around trying to find an suitable outfit as it was cold outside today.

This was the outfit you chose

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This was the outfit you chose. You didn't have time to do anything with your hair so you straighten it. It's now 7:45am. Your phone suddenly pings.

Sarah💕: I'm outside, come on.

You looked down at your phone, confused. You put your shoes on, grab your bag and walk outside to see Sarah sat there in her car. You walk up to her and get in the car. "What are you doing here?" You ask her, confused. "Well your car doesn't work so I thought I'd give you a ride to school every morning until your cars fixed." She replies. "Well that's not gonna happen anytime soon." You say looking down into your lap. "Why's that?" She asks, starring the car up and driving off. "Well, my dad won't pay for it to he fixed and I don't have any money." You mumble. "Like I said I'm going to pick you up every morning so you better not be late," Sarah says smiling "and by the way I like your outfit today." You turn your head towards hers and smile back at her.

You arrive at school at 7:56am exactly. "You go in first and I'll wait outside for a few minutes then go in." You turn to Sarah. "Are you embarrassed to be seen with me Miss y/l/n?" She chuckles. "No of course's just...I um." You laugh nervously trying to find the right thing to say. "Y/n, I'm joking sweetie." Sarah's say and leaves you standing outside of the school building.

After a few minutes you head inside. You have English again for the first lesson. You reach the classroom door and stop to check the time before you feel an arm grab yours and you close your eyes as you're pushed against the lockers next to the door. You cry out in pain as you're hurt the same spot that Luke hurt yesterday when he pushed you against the car. You open your eyes to see Luke standing there. "Hi Princess." He says with a smirk on his face. He puts his hands on your waist and starts kissing your neck. "Luke stop, Miss Paulson will give me detention if I'm late." You say trying to get him to stop. He doesn't listen to you and continues to kiss you. He now starts unbuttoning your jeans. "Luke stop I don't want to." You whisper, pushing him away. He slams you back against the lockers making a loud bang. "I don't care what you want princess, I want you now so I will have you now." He shouts at you and continues unbuttoning your jeans and putting his hand on your vagina whilst you try and squirm out of his grip, crying. Suddenly the door opens and Sarah comes out of it. "Luke what are you doing?" She shouts at him and pulls him off of you. Luke runs off and you burst out crying. "Oh y/n don't cry hunny, come here." Sarah whispers pulling you into her arms and hugging you. You wrap your arms around her and rest your head under her chin. "You sort yourself out and go get back in the car." Sarah says, handing you the Keyes, "I'll be right there." You button your jeans back up and head to the car.

You were sat in the car for 5 minutes with warm tears before Sarah opens the door and gets in. You quickly wipe them away but she sees them before you do. "Did he touch you?" Sarah asks softly. You turn to her but you can't look at her. "Y..yes." You manage to say through sobs. "I'm so sorry y/n." She says, taking your hand. You freeze at her touch but relax after a few seconds. "Well he can't touch you anymore, I spoke to the head teacher and he's been permanently excluded and the head teacher is going to phone the police." Sarah reassures you. Sarah drives you to your house but when you arrive you see a pile of your bags outside the door. You rush out to find a note on the top and you hear the clicking of Sarah's heels approaching you. You open the note and read:
You can't live with me anymore. You bring me too much pain. If it wasn't for you, your mother would be with us and we would be happy, but no you just had to ruin it. All your clothes, shoes and the rest of your shit are in the bags. The rest of the stuff I will be selling, I need the money. I never want to see your ugly fucking face around here again.

Tars start forming in your eyes. You feel Sarah's arms wrap around you, she must've read the letter over your shoulder. "Come on," she says, "grab your bags." You just stand there staring at the note. "Y/n?" Sarah places her hand on your shoulder. You shrug it off. "Why do you want me to come with you?" You say. "Your coming to my house and stay with me since you have no where else to go." Sarah replies. "No," you snap at her, "you've done enough of me already, I'll find somewhere else to stay." You pick up your bags and start to walk away from Sarah. She grabs your arms and stops you. "GET OFF OF ME!" You shout at her. She takes her hands away from you but is still stood in your way. "Y/n, you have no where else to go, I told you that I'm here for you so let me be here for you." Sarah whispers. You drop your bags and start to cry again. Sarah pulls you in for another hug and leads you to the car, siting you down before going back to get your bags. The car ride to Sarah's house was quiet, you couldn't stop crying. Every now and then, she would look over at you but you never looked at her.

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