After school

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Y/N - your name
Y/L/N - your last name

(Your POV)
The rest of the day goes okay, you don't have any lessons with your abusive boyfriend and you spent dinner in the toilets as you do everyday because don't eat anything, so you didn't see him then either. It was now the end of your last lesson, Art. When the bell rings, everyone piles out of the classroom. You try and get to your car as quick as you can because your best friend had told you that Luke (your boyfriend) was in a bad mood today and he's even more horrible than normal when he's in a mood. As you rush to your car, rummaging in your bag for your Keyes, you feel a strong hand on your shoulder. You stop and turn around just in front of your car to see Luke standing behind you. "Hi princess." He says, you hate it when he calls you that but you can't tell him to stop. "I haven't seen you in a while." You try to turn around to get in your car but he grabs you and slams you against it, hurting your back. "Iv missed you princess," he says, putting his hand on your leg and slowly moving it further up towards your vagina. You try to move away but it's no use, you just can't move him. Before he gets the chance to touch you, the teachers bell rings and he pulls away from you. He turns around to see if any teachers had come out yet and punches you in the face before walking away. You stand there frozen for a few minutes and then get in your car and start crying. You put the key in and try to start the engine but it doesn't start. "Great, fucking great," you think to yourself, "that's all I need right now." You slam your head against the steering wheel before looking up into your mirror to check on your now bruised and cut cheek bone.

Suddenly, there's a knock on your car window and you turn around to see Sarah standing on the other side of the glass. You wind your window down and ask her what's up. "Are you okay?" She asks. You make your hand into a fist and rest your check agains it so she wouldn't see the bruise and cut. "Um yes I'm fine, just having a bit of car trouble." You reply with a nervous laugh. You try turning the engine on again but it doesn't work. You sit back in your seat and sigh. "Get out, I'll take you home." Sarah suddenly says. Your shocked at what she said. " you sure?" You finally say. "Yes I'm sure." She says and gets into the black Audi parked next to you. You climb out of your car, lock it and walk round to the passenger seat of Sarah's car and get in, putting your seat belt on. "Where do you li-," Sarah stops halfway through her sentence "oh my god sweetie are you okay?" She says moving closer to you. At first you don't understand what she's talking about and then you realise she saw the wound on your face. "Yes I'm fine I just..." you try to think of something to say "I hit my face on my car door." Sarah obviously knew you were lying but chose not to push you. She leaned over to your side of the car and pulled a first aid kit out of the glove compartment. "What are you doing?" You ask her. "Cleaning this up for you of course." She says with a sweet smile. That smile melted your heart completely, she was perfect. Your thoughts were interrupted when Sarah accidentally hurt you and you hissed in pain. "I'm so sorry sweetheart." She whispered. You liked the little pet names she gave you. She put the kit away, you told her your address and then she started driving.

Sarah's car pulls up outside your house but as you open the door, you hear the sound of glass bottles smashing. "Oh god I bet it's dad." You start to worry. Before you get out, Sarah grabs your arm. "Are you going to be okay sweetheart?" She says. She must've heard the smashing. "Um ye I'll be fine." I lied. "We'll just incase your not, I have something for you." Says Sarah, she grabs a pen and slip of paper out of her bag,  writes her number on it and hands it to you. "Call or text me, anytime day or night." She says to me with a serious look on her face. "Thank you Miss Paulson." You thank her. "It's okay hunny and call me Sarah when we're not in school." She replies, smiling at you. You give her a quick smile back and get out of the car, heading to the door.

All afternoon, your dad would shout at you. He was completely wasted. Every 10 minutes he would come Into your room and shout horrible things at you, telling you your life isn't worth living and that it was your fault your mum killed herself. It was currently 11pm and you couldn't sleep. You remembered Sarah's number in your pocket. You got up off of your bed and went over to your coat, pulling out the slip of paper. You type in the number and text her.

Y/N: Hi Sarah it's Y/N.

Sarah💕: Hi y/n, how come your up? Is everything ok?

Y/n: Yes I'm ok, i guess. I just can't sleep

Sarah💕: What are you thinking about?

You thought about it for a minute. To he honest you were thinking about Sarah and about how gorgeous she was. You were still completely shocked that she was your teacher.

Sarah💕: y/n ?

Y/n: sorry, I was daydreaming um I was just thinking about um school.

Sarah💕: hmm okay. Maybe you should try and get some sleep?

Y/n: ye your probably right, sorry for texting you at this time.

Sarah💕: it's fine, always here if you need me😊x

You put your phone down and and fall to sleep, dreaming about Sarah.

The English teacher Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin