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Y/N - your name
Y/L/N - your last name

(Sarah's POV)
I wake up to the bright sunlight seeming through my window. Y/n's hand was holding one of my boobs under my night shirt. I laughed to myself silently before slowly removing her hand and climbing out of bed. I grabbed my phone off of my night stand and looked at the time. It was 9am. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed for the day, it was now Saturday. By the time I had done it was now 10am and y/n was still fast asleep, snuggled up in my bed. I didn't want to wake her just yet so I headed downstairs and made myself some pancakes and made extra for y/n when she comes down.

I took up a glass of water and some pain killers for y/n and put them on her night stand. I then decided to watch orange is the new black downstairs whilst she was sleeping. It was now 11am and she was still upstairs.

At something past 12, I heard footsteps.

(Your POV)
You woke up at something past 12. Your head hurt like a bitch. You open your eyes to see that you were in Sarah's bed and she wasn't there. You turn over and see a glass of water and some pain killers. You take them, get out of bed and make your way downstairs in your oversized t-shirt and pants.

The smell of pancake instantly accumulated your nostrils as soon as you got to the bottom step. You walk in to the living room and decide to sneak up behind Sarah and scare her. "Y/N YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" Sarah shouts with her hand on her chest. "Ah not to loud, my head hurts." You say through laughs. Sarah pulls you over the sofa and tickles your sides. "Oh sorry miss y/l/n, I wonder why your head hurts?" Sarah says, trying to act serious. She finally lets go of you and lets you sit up. "I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to get drunk." You say looking down. "Do you even remember anything?" Sarah asks looking at you. You think about it. The last thing you remember was heading outside with a bottle of vodka because I was too warm. "I remember going outside with a drink and then the next thing I know I'm in your bed." You tell Sarah. She looks at you, cocking her eyebrow up slightly. "So you don't remember aaanything else?" She asks again. You started to worry. You had obviously done something or Sarah wouldn't be pushing you to remember. You shake your head no.
"Well," she starts, "you drunk text me saying some stuff which I'm sure you didn't mean." Your heart dropped. "Oh my god was a horrible to you?" You ask sadly. "No sweetie, no it was quite flattering actually." She chuckles. You take your phone out to read the messages. Oh my god. You called her hot. You told her you loved her. YOU ASKED HER TO MARRY YOU. Your cheeks turned 50 shades of red. "Sarah, I am so sorry." You apologise. "It's okay, I'm sure you didn't mean it." Sarah says looking down and then back up in to your eyes hopefully. You didn't know what to say. You couldn't tell her you had had a crush on her for the longest time. "I um..I don't know?" You say, blatantly lying. You did know. You had the biggest crush on her. But again, you couldn't tell her. "It doesn't matter sweetheart, we'll not talk about that right now." Sarah says, breaking the silence. "You also groped me and told me you loved me again before you went to sleep." She says, laughing hard. Your face dropped. You were so ashamed of yourself. "I'm so..so sorry Sarah." You say again. You felt so embarrassed. "Hey it's okay," Sarah reassures you with a smile, "I made you some pancakes. Eat them, go put something cute on and then come back down, I'm taking you out." She says. You smile back at her and nod.

(Sarah's POV)
I really wanted to tell y/n that I had feelings for her. Even though she said those things last night and told me she loved me before she went to sleep, she told me this morning that she didn't know if she meant them. She might just be confused about her sexuality and was just thinking about trying something new. I decided to take her out so I'll ask her when we have something to eat later.

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