Ch. 42 Help me, please...

Começar do início

T: It's a long story but.... well...

Tsukki drops the phone away from his mouth again as his anger and frustration at himself, that he hurt you mounts higher, trying to muffle the microphone before shouting to himself "Goddammit!" Then returning the phone to his ear once more.

H: Tsukishima???

T: I need your help.....
can you meet up with me so I
can explain what's going on. I know
I can't make you help me and
it's not like I've ever been nice enough
for you to owe me one but... I hope
once you hear everything you
might be willing....

H: I never thought I'd ever hear
you ask me for my help...
*sighs* I don't like seeing Y/N hurting
like this. So if I give you this chance
you better not fuck it up further.
I'll hear you out but I'm not
making any promises.

T: I know... thanks for at least
being willing to listen

H: You gonna be at the house later?
I'll swing by after I'm done at the gym.

T: yeah I'll be here. See ya then.

H: see ya


Clasping his phone between his hands, he squeezes it so tight he's shocked he didn't break it. He takes a deep breath before getting up, pacing his room back and forth as he tries to organize his thoughts into a plan of action in case Hinata is willing to help.


Hours pass before Hinata makes his way over. Feeling conflicted on the entire situation. He's known Tsukki for years but seeing how badly you were hurting made him fuming mad. You hadn't been a part of all their lives long but you grew close with them all quickly. Nursing their injuries and scolding them when they didn't take care of themselves. It was hard not to become close to such a caring person.

After knocking on the door, Kuroo answers. "Hey Hinata" the look on Kuroo's face is solemn.

"Where is he?" Hinata asks

"He's in his roo..." Kuroo starts to respond. He hears Tsukki rushing down the stairs. "He's right here I guess..." Kuroo leans over to speaking quietly "thank you for being willing to talk to him. I've never seen him this messed up before."

"I can see that" Hinata comments seeing a disheveled Tsukki as he makes his way into the living room having a seat on the couch. Kuroo heads upstairs to his room to give them space to talk. Hinata gestures for Tsukki to sit down before crossing his arms. "Alright, I'm here... now explain..."

Tsukki can tell how irritated Hinata is, it takes a lot to make him mad but clearly Tsukki has managed to do that

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Tsukki can tell how irritated Hinata is, it takes a lot to make him mad but clearly Tsukki has managed to do that.

"So how much do you know? I'm not exactly sure where to start explaining..."

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora