♡ disneyland !

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*guys i really wanted to write a smut, but it didn't end up well, and so here it is. no smut, yet a matured one*

He curled his arms under his chest and made himself comfortable, his eyes now finally roaming the room to take in his surroundings properly. He was about to take a closer look, when he felt Bright's strong hands on his body again and he felt himself melt into the soft bed underneath him, forgetting about everything else around him besides Bright.

He started to work out some of the kinks in Win's neck and back, graduating making his way down his back until he reached the soft skin of his ass. He started to massage him, squeezing him until Win started to push back against his hand – the first sparks of pleasure drumming through his veins.

He pressed his pelvis against the sheet, chasing after the bit of pleasure that started to bloom inside of him when all of a sudden, Bright started to spread his cheeks. Win had to grin – another round this early and this time doggy style?

This man certainly knew what Win wanted – but instead of slicked up fingers he felt something hot and wet at his entrance, carefully stroking his tender flesh there in up and down movements and Win inhaled a sharp breath, fingers clawing at the bedsheets.


Sure, he had read a lot about this and saw porn where people did this, but he would have never thought that someone – Bright – would be interested in it. It seemed like something that was intimate and something you only do if you really trust someone? He couldn't get past that thought, because his brain started to shut down as Bright licked some more at his already twitching hole.

"Should I stop?"

"Don't you dare!" – Win was already panting from the small ministration his hips thrusting helplessly against the sheet, while continuously seeking out Bright's tongue.

He could even feel the smirk when Bright dived in again, ranking his tongue up and down – differing in speed and pattern and not too long into it, he grabbed both cheeks even harder and pushed his tongue inside.

Win felt as if he would black out for a second as Bright continued to thrust his tongue into him again and again – god damnit he could even feel the pleasure in his god damn toes. He was a moaning mess only after a short time and his moans only grew louder as Bright held his hand up high and spanked him.

It was a complete different sensation than getting choked, but the slight sting he felt did things to him – sure it hurt, but once the hurt was gone, pleasure took its place and spread through his body, making his dick throb with need and he got even harder the more he got spanked.

His orgasm took him by surprise, all the sensations came together and wrecked his body completely. The soft feeling of Bright's tongue, the hard sting he felt whenever he got spanked and the added pressure on his dick – it was enough to send him over the edge, screaming out Bright's name.

He felt Bright kissing his way up his back – he was still panting harshly as he felt soft lips on his forehead and he got turned around, greeted by a smirking Bright.

"Good morning, once again."

Win giggled and pushed a pillow in his face.


Since it was Sunday after all, Win needed to get home early to not miss the planned family day with Ayesha, Ukrit and his mom. He had already texted Ayesha that he would come home before breakfast, but that he wouldn't eat anything, since Bright had already prepared pancakes and coffee for him once he had been strong enough to stumble out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

Leaving Bright that morning, was even harder than the time before that – all he wanted to do was curl up in the other man's arms and spend a lazy day in bed watching movies, but he really couldn't neglect his role as a father and he really wanted to spend some quality time with him.

After another make out session that lasted longer than either of them had planned, Win finally managed to leave the apartment and drive to his own house, where Ukrit was already waiting for him.

Win was glad that he had decided to put a light scarf into his back before he had left – he quickly covered up his hickeys before going inside and getting jumped by an overly excited Ukrit. Win had quickly run off to the bathroom and made sure to cover the lovebites up properly – it was too hot for even such a thin scarf today.

A few hours later, Win and Ayesha's mom paid them a visit – she even brought some of her infamous sweets with her, which all three of them wolfed down eagerly.

For the afternoon they had planned to go to the local cinema – there was a Disney festival of some sort, people dressed up as princes and princesses and they showed Disney movies all afternoon long.

Win had always had a weak spot for Disney movies, so it was only natural that they would go. They arrived about half an hour before the first movie started and queued up – Mrs. Metawin had decided to stay behind and take a rest, since she was feeling a bit unwell that day, but had wished them lots of fun at their movie marathon.

"Which one is the first one?", Ukrit was holding onto Win's much bigger hand and had the other one wrapped around his leg. For someone as enthusiastic as Ukrit, he was still a shy boy by nature and most of the time needed a long time to open up to someone, but ever since he spends more and more time in kindergarten with kids his age, he had finally started to open up a bit more.

The shyness, however, remained. Win looked at the folder he had grabbed at the box office and scanned through the titles.

"Seems like they start with 'The Fox and the Hound' and then we can choose between 'The Rescuers' and 'The Aristocats' – sounds good to me, what do you think, Ukrit?", Win had only let go of Ukrit's hand for one second to unfold the folder, but apparently it was long enough for Ukrit to wander off on his own.

Ayesha, in the meantime, had grabbed some snacks for them and a cold sense of dread run through his body. Where was Ukrit? Did he got kidnapped by some sick psycho?

A thousand different scenarios flashed before him as he started to completely fall for his panic and ran through the cinema.

"Ukrit? Munchkin, where are you?", his loud voice rang through the crowded halls, but he couldn't find Ukrit anywhere – did he really got kidnapped?


ohhhh.... ukrit is missing!! 

see ya! 

Thank you for 10.3K readss!! ❤❤

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