Once in every lifetime

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(Birds chirping) (Winds blow in the distance)

"Hey Kyle! Let's head back to the station! We need to welcome Jill remember?".

Kyle flashbacks to the time when the whole world wasn't that cruel nor mean. He remembers the time when everything was peaceful, where kids can freely play outside and people can trade and bond with each other without hesitation. He thinks that this is just a fantasy, yet it all felt so real.

(Alarm clock rings)

Kyle wakes up and stops the ring of the alarm. He then realizes that it WAS just a dream and it was all in his head. "Who are those people? How do they know me? And who's Jill?", he asked himself. It was clear that he woke up with a confused face and questions yet unanswered. He ignored it all and proceeds with his daily routine. While he was getting ready to go out, he noticed an odd picture frame. It's a picture with a letter attached to its back.

"Dear Kyle,

Don't forget about us alright? Go back to the place where our usual hangout is whenever you feel stressed. I'll be there waiting =)

Your dearest friend: Jill <3

"This can't be mine", he thought. He is all alone in an apartment near his office, and he never invites anyone to go to his home to party or work together. Also, he doesn't even have friends to start with. He is very serious at his job as a manager of a company and he even once said that he has no time for that kind of distraction. We could say he is a shut-in guy since he almost never goes outside except when he needs food or goes to work. He then throws the letter into the trash bin, but he keeps the picture just because it looks somehow familiar. Locking the door to his apartment, another hint appears and it connects to the past things he has received. This time, it's a picture of a huge tree. There are many trees like this, but he easily recognized it since he passed through this tree on his way back home yesterday. He remembers the Lady facing the tree and it looks like she was waiting for somebody. Kyle looked around to see if someone is spying on him, and he was right. A girl was peeking from a corner and quickly hides. Kyle having no time for this, he completely ignored her and went to work. Kyle noticed the girl spying on him again but this time, she was following him. Kyle then turns around and called out the girl. "Hey miss! Can I help you with something?", he shouted. "You don't remember us do you, clumsy Kyle?", said the girl. She then walked up to him and punched Kyle to his stomach. "Hey! What was that for?! Who are you anyways?", he said as his hands are on his stomach. The girl sighed in disappointment, "Oh jeez. You two idiots are still the same as before, forgetful yet somehow smart.", she added. "What do you mean? I don't know you nor what you're talking about.", Kyle exclaimed. "Alright, alright. You don't have to be mad about it., she said, "My name is Lesley WITH an "e", ok? Back then, Aleigh and you keep forgetting about the spelling of my name. I always remind you of this back when we were kids, remember?". Kyle still confused with what she said, ignores it and heads to work. "Hey! Stop ignoring me! I'm telling the truth!", Lesley shouted. "Yeah sure sure. I need to go to work so goodbye whoever you are.", said Kyle. Lesley then ran to Kyle and tackles him, causing his briefcase to open and all his papers fly from it "Come on! Lesley! Could you help me with this please?", he asked. "I don't think I should help you with that. It's your problem right?", she replied. "OK LOOK! I'll listen to you alright?! Just help me with this.", he said as he was panicking, "Hmph!", she said as she averts her eyes away from Kyle. "Fine. I'll help. just because you're so panicky about your work and not about our relationship.", she said. Kyle, still picking up the papers, looks at Lesley and wonders if she's just crazy thinking she is in a special kind of relationship with him or she's really telling the truth. "Whatever. Let's be quick 'cause I'll be late in no time.", said Kyle, "Just walk with me to my office and tell me all about it, is that enough?", he added. Lesley ,still making a pouting face, nods and gives him back his papers. "Thanks, shall we head on now?", Kyle asked. Lesley ,still avoiding contact with Kyle, nods and follows him. 

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