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Commodore Norrington's men picked up Jack's limp body and carried him away, presumably to prison. Then he would rot there until he got taken to the gallows, where he would be hung. I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in my gut as I thought that I could have aided him in escaping. But I cast it aside, mentally scolding myself.

As soon as the Navy soldiers had gone and Mr. Brown was drunkenly snoring again, Will turned to look at me with fire in his eyes. "You knew that pirate was here, didn't you?"

Sheepishly, I nodded. "I'm sorry, Will."

"Look, I know you have a kind nature," his eyes softened, "but pirates are bad people, Lily, and you should know that by now."

I nodded again. My brother was referring to when the merchant ship he was found on eight years ago had been sunk by pirates; when he was making his way here to find me and our father. That's why Will hates the sea, and pirates even more.

Will squeezed my arm gently and went back to working on a new sword that had a deadline of three days. The sun was beginning to set outside - I could see the pinks and oranges of the sky, a beautiful canvas of artwork.

I decided to take a nap in the back room, for at least a couple of hours, while I mulled over what had happened with Captain Jack Sparrow and his handsome, rugged good-looks.


My arm was being shaken after what felt like only minutes of being asleep, and I cracked one eye open to see Will standing tall above me, his chin-length locks moving as he did.

"Lily, wake up. Something's happening outside. Something doesn't feel right," he explained, pulling me up out of the small, uncomfortable bed.

"What?" I mumbled, too tired to comprehend his confusing sentence.

Shaking his head slightly, he thrust me outside. It was dark now - the moon was hidden by the clouds, casting a dim milky glow over the town of Port Royal. Yet Will was right, something about the atmosphere did feel strange. The wind was chilly, and it changed direction occasionally, as if it was confused about where it was headed. As I gazed out to the docks and the open sea, something caught my eye. A huge ship with billowing black sails, heading straight for us. "Will, look!" I pointed to the ship, and watched as my brother's eyes widened.

"Grab a sword," he instructed me. "And anything else you can use to protect yourself!"

Doing as Will said, I hurried back into the Blacksmiths and grabbed a sword and an axe, shoving the sword into the scabbard atop my leather belt.

All of a sudden, a huge explosion sounded from near the docks, followed by screams and mayhem. Several more explosions came soon after, and I knew instantly that it was cannon fire.

Pirates, I thought with a grimace. Will is not going to be happy.

Both my brother and I ran down the street, approaching where the gunfire could be heard. My eyes widened in disbelief at what I saw. Dirty, grinning pirates were swarming in from longboats on the small beach, bearing guns, swords, daggers - I even saw one carrying round black bombs in his hands.

Within minutes, Port Royal was in mayhem. Buildings were collapsing, children were crying, women were screaming and bloodthirsty pirates were slicing through anyone that got in their way. I was currently fighting with one who had an axe hidden behind his back, clearly waiting until I wasn't paying attention so he could strike. Luckily, Will was there in seconds after defeating the pirate he was parrying with, shoving his hatchet into the pirate's back, causing him to sink to the floor.

"I'm going to go up to the Governor's house and see if Elizabeth is alright," Will informed me, pulling me roughly into a hug. "You'll be fine. Do what I taught you."

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