Chapter 3: Sorting

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It is official. I am starting this story series. I had people wanting me to continue with the story. Right now I am working on the third book.

Disclaimer: everything besides Sophie and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

Happy reading.

I looked closer and I recognized the platinum blond hair. "Malfoy," I said quietly. I made my way to get a closer look. He was in front of a boy with glasses and dark hair. I recognized Crabbe and Goyle behind him. "This is Crabbe and Goyle" he motioned his head to point them out. "And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." he emphasized with his voice. He acted like he was someone important.

A boy with red hair snickered. Malfoy turned to him. "Think my name is funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. Red hair, hand me down robes? You must be a Weasley" he said. {He must know a lot of kids and their families.} He turned his attention back to the other boy, Harry Potter. "You'll soon learn that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go around making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there" he said. He held his hand out to Harry. Harry looked up at Malfoy. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks," I heard. Professor McGonagall and tapped Malfoy's shoulder. He moved aside. Professor McGonagall took us to the Great Hall.

The Great Hall was filled with students. There were four rows of tables. I was guessing that it separated the houses. I looked up and it was the sky. I read about it in one of the books. I thought that it was very interesting view. I could almost thing that I was looking outside.

We got to the front near the teacher's table. Dumbledore told us the rules of the school to the first years. First, the dark forest was forbidden to all students. Second, he told us not to go to the the third floor corridor to the right side unless we wanted to die a painful death. I reminded myself with those rules. I didn't want to get in trouble especially in a wizard/witch school. The punishments were probably worse than back home. That was all he had to said and sat back down.

Professor McGonagall told us that she will call each student's name and put the sorting hat on our heads. The hat would tell us which house we were going to be sorted into. The sorting hat looked really old. I read in a book that it was one of the items that Goddric Gryffindor left behind. Professor McGonagall had a very long list.

Hermione Granger was first and was sorted into Gryffindor. "Draco Malfoy," I heard. I turned to Malfoy. He walked straight up to the stool and sat down. The hat barely made it on the top of his head. Malfoy was sorted into Slytherin. He smirked and made his way to the Slytherin's table. Ron was place in Gryffindor really quickly.

Harry Potter was in Gryffindor as well. His sorting took a while. I could tell that he was difficult to place because the sorting hat was frowning a bit. I even saw Harry whisper something. I read his mouth that said not Slytherin. I guess the talk with Malfoy made him not want to be a Slytherin. The sorting went on for a while. Some students went to Ravenclaw. Some were sorted in Hufflepuff. Others went to Gryffindor and Slytherin. {I wonder what house I would be sorted in.}

"Sophia Taylor"

I slowly made my way up the stairs to the stool. I sat on it. The hat was placed on my head. "Oh very difficult." I heard. {Must be from the hat.} "I see great potential in you. You would do great in Ravenclaw. I see that you have great wisdom that I have ever seen. No wonder that you were named "Sophia," it said. Mom named me Sophia that meant wisdom. Sometimes, dad thought that I was an adult because of what I say to him sometimes.

"You would do great in Hufflepuff as well. I see much kindness, patience, dedication, and hard work," it said. Well I wasn't too surprised. My morals were that I am to be kind to others and work hard. Dedicate yourself to your work. Your patience will be rewarded. Thats what I always thought.

"Gryffindor would do great for you. I see bravery, courage, and strong will," it said. I do take risks when I need to. I used to be afraid animals. I just got of that fear last year when my dad got a dog for my birthday. Since then, I was playing with different animals that were presented in front of me.

"Slytherin suits you as well. I see determination, ambition, and cleverness in you," it said. I knew how to get away with things easily when I was at home. Once I start something, I finish big and strong. "You have potential in all the houses," it said.

This kept going on that seemed a long time. "Where to put you," its said. I looked around the room. Everyone was looking at me. I saw Malfoy looking at me intensely. I thought that I was going to blush when I kept looking at his eyes. They were a nice shade of grey.

"Where to put you," it said again. {What is taking so long?} "You are very difficult to place my dear," it said. {Did you just read my mind?} "Yes," it said. {Great.} "It would be a shame to put you in a house and not be able to use your other traits," it said. {What did that suppose to mean?} "You will be ...." it said.


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