CHAPTER 12: White Flag

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I don't even touch Jean. She slips away to another place on the Earth and I fall straight down. My arms ache from all of this, especially since one has been broken twice.

"Ouch," I moan, turning over on my back. That one really hurt.

"Think about it," Caleb tells me. "You have my blue eyes. My flair for the dramatic. My powers."

"I'll never be like you," I spit, meeting his eyes. He's right though. They're the same shade.

"Say hello to your friends for me," Caleb says, waving goodbye.

The next thing I know I'm on the sofa in the studio. Willie is standing next to me and boys leap into the air, startled. They scream like children and my hand flies to my head. It's throbbing.

Then they realize who we are.

"Willie!" Alex yelps, dashing over to him like a child runs to their parents after a long day at work. "You're back! What happened? I tried to find you. I went to the museum, the Orpheum, I walked down the street where we met...were you avoiding me? Adelaide says you aren't, but she wouldn't tell me what you had to 'take care of' so I thought it was my fault. Please tell me you're not..."

"Alex, you're rambling again," Luke says impatiently, tapping his foot on the ground.

"I know," Alex says turning to him. He turns back to Willie. "And I'm sorry."

"Alex, there's nothing to apologize for," Willie assures him. "Adelaide was right."

"Are you done with what you needed to do?" Alex asks worriedly.

Willie and I exchange a look. Technically not, but we will be here much more often. "Yeah."

"Great!" The energetic smile returns to Alex's face for the first time in a few weeks. "Can I show you this beat I've been working on? You rarely ever listen to me playing the drums."

"Sure," Willie replies, glancing back at me once more as he is dragged over to the drum set by the wrist.

I smile weakly at him, sitting up on the sofa. I'm still in physical pain and emotional pain. Luke notices my distress, but misattributes where it's coming from.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier," he apologizes as he sits next to me. "I know I already said that, but I don't feel like it was enough. Are you okay?"

"Mhmm," I hum, nodding my head vigorously. It's clearly unconvincing.

Reggie observes with interest, propping himself up on the side of the sofa by sitting on the armrest.

"Reg's right. I am kinda catching feelings for you and I feel a little guilty," Luke continues, attempting to explain his actions. "I just...I don't know who .that girl is and I wouldn't want to cheat, if that makes sense."

So Luke feels guilty for having feelings for me, Caleb and Jean are my great-grandparents, and my sister was murdered.

Best day ever.

"It's whatever," I mutter, crossing my arms. "I'm not that into you."

"You sure?" he asks with concern.

"Are you that conceited?" I snap, my emotions overflowing. Luke is taken aback by my words. "Look, you're cute and all, but I'll get over your rejection."

We now have Willie and Alex's attention. The drums have stopped. Everyone is staring.

Luke is leaning away from me, verbally stung.

I sigh and my face reddens in embarrassment. My fingers massage my temples and I squint my eyes. "I haven't been feeling like myself today. It's not your fault."

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