Chapter 19

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You stood over his body. It was Doug. He was a disheveled mess. His skin had more wrinkles and his beard and hair was grown out.

"I'" He breathed out. He tried to stand but his knees wobbled with weakness.

You crouched down and grabbed his hair. "I won asshole." You threw his head down and stood up.

"I found my purpose, I found true love! A world without you is fucking amazing. I won."

You backed away from his body and smirked. He yelled your name as he tried to reach out again. His body slowly turned to ash and blew away. His voice faded and you took a deep breath.

You woke up to Spencer lightly shaking you. "What are you so happy about?"

"Being here, with you." You met his eyes and he kissed you.

"Let's make some breakfast."

He picked you up and you buried your head into his neck like a small child would to their mother.

He set you down and you prepared the pancake batter while he made the eggs and bacon.

While you ate, you played another chess game. You started to get the hang of it but you still really had no clue what was going on. Every time you thought you had a play, he shut it down. Inevitably, he won.

"I will beat you, one day." You told him. He just chuckled and cleaned up the plates.

2pm came fast and you both had to get ready and leave in an hour. You took a shower first and when you were done, he hopped in next.

You quickly threw on a long sleeve and shorts that you could easily change out of. You paused your hair drying to go to the kitchen. You were a little hungry so you opened the fridge and looked around. You picked up the first thing you saw on one of the shelves.

You grabbed a spoon and opened the cup.

You heard the shower water turn off and you turned to face away from the bedroom.

He emerged from the room a couple minutes later, wringing out his hair one last time with the towel before putting it in the laundry room.

He walked over to the fridge and opened it. You stood by the window and quietly ate the cup while he searched.

"Hey didn't we have one last jello cup in here?" He asked facing you.

You looked down at the cup of jello in your hands.

"I don't think we did, may-maybe you ate it." You choked on a spoonful and he grew even more skeptical. He quietly crept behind you and looked over your shoulder.

His hands went around your waist and you jumped. "Then why is it in your hand?" He whispered.

You giggled and played with the remaining half. "Busted aren't I?" You scrunched your nose.

He leaned into you and thought about it for a minute. He suddenly picked you up and you squealed, kicking your legs.

"Put me down Spence!" You pushed your head back and looked into his eyes.

"Only if you give me some."

"Oh my god, fine I will! I will! Put me down please!" He laughed and set you down. You got a big spoonful and fed it to him.

"Thank you." He swallowed and kissed you.

"We have a party to go to." He reminded. You took the final bite and threw the cup away, walking into your bedroom and getting changed.

The Girl With Two NamesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant