Chapter Six, Healing and Horcruxes

Start from the beginning

"Due to this ability young Josie saw some rather disturbing things pertaining to her future as well as her brother's and friends' futures. Now this has caused her to become ill because of it and she has agreed to speak to Poppy every week on Friday after afternoon classes. Poppy." Dumbledore gestured for Poppy to explain.
"We all know before she attended Hogwarts she was admitted into St Mungos due to a rare viral infection of Dragon Pox. Thankfully Fleamont had found a necklace in his Vault that will help filter, if you will, the visions and help her control them. But the damage is already done. The stress of what she saw caused her immune to weaken further than it already was and she is now suffering from the flu.

If she doesn't have these talks then I fear she could end up with a more stronger version of the infection. You all need to be made aware due to the duty of care towards the children in our care, especially you Minerva as her Head of House, but we need to keep a close eye to begin with and watch for any signs." Poppy finished as Hagrid blew his nose feeling guilty that he didn't notice anything and feeling sorry for his young friend.
"When does she start the sessions with you, Poppy?" Rolanda asked.
"Today at three thirty. The signs you need to watch for are; excessive tiredness, her skin going pale but with a greyish tint, her lips going blue, continuous nosebleeds and fainting."
"I think then until the flu has passed and the danger has passed, a slightly less workload is in order." Minerva said.

"Do you know what she saw?" Silvanus asked. They all knew that she was the particular student Albus had mentioned.
"This has something to do with Mr Pettigrew doesn't it? It's why he was moved out of her brother's dorm." Minerva realised, her eyes widening.
"Yes." Dumbledore sighed. "Josie saw her brother die by Voldemort's hand and Mr Pettigrew was the cause, he gave away James's location. Josie was beside herself when she sent me an owl in the summer. It was all I could do to reassure her that he would be removed from James's dorm and replaced with Mr Longbottom."

"That turncoat!" Hagrid shouted enraged.
"Calm yourself, Hagrid." Dumbledore said firmly. "I think we should also monitor our students more closely and make sure none have the mark or are being forced to have it." Dumbledore said, getting an agreement from all staff. With that the meeting finished and an owl started pecking at his window as the teachers left to finish setting up their areas before breakfast. Once everyone had left Dumbledore let the owl in and took the letter. He gave the owl a treat before he opened the letter revealing it to be another one from Josie. It was a rather short letter but it was straight to the point. It said;

There's a you-know-what in the castle. It's in the R.O.R on the seventh floor in front of the painting of Barnabas the Barmy. It's Ravenclaw's Diadem. Pace three times thinking of what you want and a door will appear.

Setting the letter aside, Dumbledore quickly wrote a note, thanking Josie and asking her to come after her session with Madam Pomfrey, and sent it off with a House-Elf. As there was two hours still until breakfast he spent the remainder of his time getting the ball rolling, as it were, for the Ball, starting with sending an owl to The Weird Sisters to make sure they could come and if not he had enough time to formulate a back up plan.


Once the last student had taken their seat Professor McGonagall tapped a fork against her glass gently, gathering everyone's attention.
"Your attention please." She called, stopping all conversations while everyone looked at them confused. They didn't normally make announcements on the second day of classes, it was normally done during the Welcoming Feast not their third day back.
"Before we all enjoy a scrumptious breakfast to start our day, I have an announcement I wish to make." Professor Dumbledore said as he stood from his seat. "This year for Halloween we will be holding a Masquerade Ball, with hopefully, The Weird Sisters in attendance." He said as twitters started spreading around the Hall as the students became excited.

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