Chapter Ten

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"Nemean!" I heard someone yell before I was tackled out of his way. I looked up and saw Luc above me like a shield. He dragged me to my feet and pushed me in the direction of the house.

"Go inside now."

"No," I said watching witches rise and gather around Titus. "They're going to kill him. We can't let them kill him."

"Mel we'll find another way to find Alistair."

"Right now I don't care about Alistair and I can handle myself. This is his first time shifting, he doesn't know what he's doing."

"You don't know that." He yelled in my face. I ripped my arm out of his hand and glared.

"Move Lucian. Don't make me move you." I hissed.


"Fine then," I told him. I wasn't in the mood for Luc today. And his implication of me having to run to safety every single time was annoying. I could handle myself.

I spread my hands at my side, palms up, and lifted them. Black fire rose around me. I saw his eyes widen slightly before he glared at me. We always held back when we were fighting. This time he knew there was no holding back.

"I'm giving you a chance to rethink this. He's not worth it. Let them have him. He's a murderer remember."

My power raged. Holding it down was like trying to stop a hurricane with my hands. Different shadows rose around from within my fire. Luc seeing I wasn't backing down brought forth his own flame. Surrounding himself in the all too familiar red and orange flames.

I heard another roar and looked up to see Titus on the ground with vines wrapping around him and his neck. Turning to my creatures I nodded in Titus' direction.

"Protect the Nemean but don't harm the witches."

Luc charged forward taking advantage of my distraction. We raised our hands forward at the same time. Black and red flames raced toward each other before clashing together. I closed my palm drawing back the flames and charged forward meeting Luc in the middle.

I slipped under his arm as he made to punch me and turned sending a kick to the middle of his back. I made for Titus but was stopped by the ground in front of me rising up like a wall. Turning to glare at my brother I silently called one of the shadows I had summoned and watched it tackle my brother.

He shoved it away and lit it on fire getting rid of it. He came for me but I moved out of his way before turning and attacking with an overhand punch. Luc stepped out of range, but before he could bring his hands up to defend, I drove my right shoulder into his chest, slamming him into the wall. I delivered punch after punch into his gut.

Shoving Luc aside I broke through the wall and rushed to where Titus was. I stood in front of him and formed a breeze blowing everyone away from us. I drew out my fire again and raised a dome around me and Titus. I knew Luc, Don, and Ken would be able to get through. I just hoped I had bought myself enough time.

Sinking to my knees I took several deep breaths. I was wearing myself out with the constant use of magic. Turning my head slightly I caught sight of Titus still struggling with the vines. I couldn't stand so I decided to crawl towards him. When he saw me he got more agitated. Wanting to get out faster.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered. "I'll get you out but you have to promise to calm down."

"Mel," Luc called stepping through the wall Don and Kenji coming behind him. Kenji wrapped himself around him stopping him from moving any further. I turned back to Titus and placed my hands on the ground next to him.

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