The younger groans, throwing his head back dramatically. "Why do I always have to fix Jin hyung mistakes," The younger mutters. "Fine, therapist Jeon Jungkook is in session. Please take a seat."

Yoongi rolls his eyes but complies, sitting on the love seat across Jungkook.

"So," The older murmurs, awkwardly eyes glancing around the room, trying to avoid the uncomfortable stare Jungkook is giving him.

"What happened, hyung?"

"It's either I'm a complete outsider, or I'm too insecure to be in a relationship. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I think it's both."

The younger frowns, "What makes you think that?"

"They're just fit so well together, and I dunno... I feel so out of the loop? I don't where I stand in the relationship. Namjoon hyung is all smart and cool, while Jin hyung is sweet and funny, and I'm just... I'm just there, but that doesn't feel enough?"

"I'm gonna cut you off for a minute there hyung cause you sound fucking stupid-"

"Jungkook!" Jimin scolds."What it's true? Look, I know Namjoon hyung is an amazing man. Like he's extremely handsome, he's smart, has really nice thighs-"

"Alright, that's enough, Jungkook," Hoseok sighs, cutting the boy off cause lord knows if he didn't, Jungkook would talk about Namjoon all day.

"Oh and Jin hyung is well... Jin hyung? He has some redeeming qualities... I think-honestly not quite sure what you two see in him-"

Jimin rolls his eyes, "Jungkook-"

"Alright, I get it, but can I get to my point first?" The boy groans. "Look, the point is, they don't give a fuck about any of that because they really like you, but if you're having second doubts. you should really talk to them."

"I'm just nervous," Yoongi admits, and the younger gives him an empathic smile.

"I get that, but there isn't a lot to be nervous about. Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung are two of the most open and caring people I know, so whenever you're ready to talk to them, ok? I promise you'll feel a lot better," He advises."

"Thanks, Jungkook," Yoongi says with a small smile.

Jungkook wasn't wrong and helped a bit with his fears, so just maybe he'll stop being an anxious bitch and tell them... who knows?

"Wow, you were helpful for once!"

Jungkook frowns, "For once? I'm always helpful," the boy huffs.

"No, no, you're not," Hoseok retorts.

"Yeah, not one bit," Jimin agrees.

Jungkook pouts, but his eyes light back up in excitement, "So could this be considered my redemption arc?"

"If hearing yes makes you feel better, then yes."

"Ok, so what's the plan for today?" Jimin asked.

"Um, talk to them and tell them how I'm feeling," Yoongi answered.

"And what will you not do?" Hoseok questioned as they both walked the older to the doorway.

"Avoid the situation and continue to suffer in silence," The older replied as he slipped his shoes on.

They had been rehearsing this all week just in case Yoongi clammed up like he always does. He has to owe it to the couple. They're good friends. Yoongi doesn't know what he did to deserve the people he has in his life. What he does know is he's the luckiest man in the world.

Hoseok gave him a proud and smile before patting his shoulder. "You got this ok now go down there."

Well, that's easier said than done...

"Thanks, guys," Yoongi muttered."Good luck!" The coupled cheered, and he smiled.

He didn't look nervous, right? Oh god, he's shaking again.

Yoongi shook his head as he heard the door close behind him before he could turn back and change his mind. Why did he even convince his friends he could do this? He couldn't even convince himself.

He lingered in the hallway for a bit before heading to the elevators. His heart was racing, drumming so loud he was sure if someone was beside him could hear it. His hands started to clam up, and he profusely rubbed them down his sides. Every part of him felt weird and uncomfortable. He wanted nothing more than to crumble down and cry until the elevators opened to the bottom floor. He stood there for a moment staring out into the lobby until he was finally ready to step out. He let out a deep breath reminding himself to just hold it all.

He'll be fine. He's a big boy. He's got this.

Yoongi let his mind slip away as he walked out of the building and headed to the couple, who was standing outside their car waiting for him.

Seokjin perked up happily as the younger approached the two. "Yoongi!" He greeted the male with a warm smile.

The younger stood there staring at the two. Yoongi was rendered speechless though his mind was screaming at him to say something.

"Yoongi," Seokjin muttered, growing worried for the younger as he stepped closer.

He gulped back the dryness in his throat and licked his lips, and finally, something slipped past his lips."I don't think I can do this anymore."

It came out in a rush. He could barely process what he said, and he hoped the couple couldn't understand him either.

"What are you talking about?" Namjoon asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he stepped closer.

Yoongi pursued his lips together into a thin line. "Something has been bothering me for a while, and I really need to talk to you guys about it," he confessed, and the couple nodded for him to go on.

"I feel a bit- I dunno just like- I don't fit with you two. It's nothing you guys did, but I overthink things, and when I sit back and watch you two, the more I realize I don't belong."

"Yoongi-ah," Seokjin muttered as he looked between the younger and his husband. "How long have you felt like this?"

"It's a more recent feeling. I guess it's because you two have known each other for so long you already have jokes and stories to tell, and I'm just there. It's not like I don't enjoy it! I love spending time with you guys."

"I didn't even realize I'm sorry, Yoongi," Seokjin muttered. There was that sad little look on his face breaking the younger's heart.

"Yeah, we honestly could have done a better job, including you. We're sorry, we'll work on that more, ok?" Namjoon stated.

"Oh, ok," Yoongi muttered, a bit surprised.

This whole situation had been stressing him out. He wasn't sure what the couple would say if they would be angry with him or not, but it was just that simple. He definitely owes Jungkook a meal after this.

"You alright?" Namjoon questioned.

"Yeah, that was a bit easier than I thought it was going to be," the younger muttered, starting to feel a bit embarrassed. "Jungkook isn't wrong when he says you two are really understanding, wow."

Seokjin perks up, his eyes widen in surprise, "Jungkook said something nice about me?"

Yoongi grimaces, not sure if "some redeeming qualities" count as a compliment. "Not particularly-"

"That little shit. Tell me what that punk said."

It didn't take much for Seokjin to go from happy to sad. Seokjins mood swings are something Yoongi is sure he won't get used to.


Namjoon shakes his head, "Let's not get into specifics. We still have a date to go on. and the last thing we want is a grumpy Jin."

"No! Tell me what that little bastard said after-""Jin!"

"I will hyung," Yoongi muttered with a smile.

Maybe he does fit in with these two.

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