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Q: What hair color is next

Whatever color Calum wants it to be.

Q: What's your favorite color on Calum?

Is that even a question? He's perfect in pink. He's always perfect, to me at least, but I love him in pink. It's adorable.

Q: Do you picture Calum in your future

If Calum wouldn't be in my future then I'd never even let the future happen.

Q: what's your favorite sweater on cal

Probably the white one. It looks great on his darker skin, I like the contrast.

Q: You better buy calum every kind of mascara he wants boy

Oh, he can have any mascara he wants, I'll buy it for him!

Q: how do you feel when you're next to calum?

Like everything's great. I feel that when he's with me, everything is the way it has to be because he belongs to me. Not that I just want him for myself but everything feels right.

Q: What was the first thing you thought when seeing Calum?


Q: what mood for calum us your favourite- like sleepy calum, pretty calum etc

Excited and sleepy Calum.

Q: what's your favorite accessory that Calum wears?

His bows make me feel some type of way.

Q: On a scale of 1-10 how much do you want to make love to Calum

12. I just want to give him all my love but I'll wait until he's ready.

Calum (sorry to people who can't see emojis bc Cal is going to use them a lot):

Q: wanna be my friend? you're perfect to my eyes

Oh, hey!! And I'm not perfect but I really want to be your friend! ☺️

Q: Your perfect in Michael's eyes, can't you see that?

The word 'perfect' was wasted too many times on me, I'm really not. And no, I can't see it. I try to but all I see is . . . me.

Q: Give me style advise bc ur fab ?

Just wear whatever you feel comfortable in! That's the best advice someone can get! 😊

Q: what's your favorite thing to wear? like a blouse or a sweater?

I like wearing blouses but I prefer my sweaters. They're cute and they keep me warm and I feel save in them. It's weird to say that because it's really just a sweater but that's just the way I think. 🙈🙊

Q: what would be a good nail colour for february

Baby blue! But, if you want to bring some color into the cold time and dark evenings paint them a bright color, like a nice yellow. But not a neon one, you know? I'm not really an expert but I hope I could help you! 🙊💞

Q: I'm not trying to be rude, but why do you like girly things? I think it's adorable, but I want to know why.

Oh, you're not being rude! I just feel kind of beautiful in girly things, such as the pink clothes and wearing mascara. I wouldn't feel comfortable in mens clothes, I can't really explain why. The only manly things I wear are Michael's clothes because they smell like him and he thinks that I look nice in them. 🙈

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