14 ➵ one week later

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[Sweater at the top/side is the one that Calum buys in the chapter]

It was a lazy Saturday and Calum and I were just sitting on the couch, watching TV while we were cuddling. 

I liked days like those where I just could be close to Calum, where I could hold him in my arms and play with his hair while he was watching the movie. When he giggled at something funny or pouted when something sad happened, my heart melted and I always smiled.

Those days and moments were perfect to me.

But, I was thinking a lot lately. A lot about Calum and I, about us and what we had. We weren't just friends, no. We were way more than that but I was kind of scared to talk about it with Calum. I really didn't know why, I just was.

I sighed and ran my hand through Calum's hair. His blond streak was slowly fading and I wasn't sure if I liked that or not. I loved the blond but he would probably also look very good with his natural, brown hair. 

I was in a conflict.

My phone suddenly vibrated next to me and I saw that I received a message from Ashton.

[from: dick]

peyton wants t go shopping & i need support

[to: dick]

and what am i supposed to do?

[from: dick]

come w/ me and bring youre princess if ya want idc

I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance. Ashton really needed to stop calling Calum princess. Even if he called him my princess, he shouldn't.

I replied with a short yes and he told me to come to the biggest mall in town in about thirty minutes.

"How does shopping sounds to you?" I asked and Calum immediately sat up straight, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Shopping? That sounds like a dream to me," he then answered and smiled.

"Great, Ashton doesn't want to go shopping alone with his girlfriend so he asked me if we were up for that. We're leaving in twenty minutes, you should get ready if you want."

Calum nodded and got up, walking to his room to change from sweatpants to normal jeans, probably. 

I played some stupid app on my phone for a few minutes before getting up and joining Calum in his room. But, he wasn't in his room anymore, so I figured he went to the bathroom.

"Knew that I would find you here," I said and smiled, leaning against the door frame and staring at him as he got ready.

"It's weird to put on my mascara if you're watching me," he chuckled and grabbed the thing with the stuff for the eyelashes in it.

I clearly had no idea what it was or how it was called. But, who could blame me? It's not like I was a beauty guru or something.

"Can I try and put it on?" I asked, even though I was scared that I would poke out his eye.

"Yeah, just try to not smear it. And you need to be careful and gentle with that or else I will loose one eye."

I nodded and took the thing he handed me as Calum sat down next to the sink on a small shelf, his legs dangling in the air. I positioned myself between his legs, being face to face with him.

"You won't kill me if I mess this up, right?" I asked, kind of nervous and bit my bottom lip.

"No, it's fine. You should have seen me the first time I put it on myself, I looked like a mess," he told me and laughed a little. "And I guess that putting it onto another persons eyelashes is probably harder than to put it on your own."

pay you with love ♡ malum (discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat