Those words transformed into a monster.

I bid the horrid bar goodbye and waved the idiots off as I left the dreaded building. I was thankful to be home after the horrible place. Dressing out of the alcohol tainted clothes I hoped into the warmth of my bed. Through all the years I had never felt at ease until now. It was a sunken plan what I thought I would never put into action. I wasn't sure if it was the thought of killing her or remembering her. But my heart has somehow restarted beating at an increased speed. My heart had felt numb for so many years then suddenly tonight it got restarted.

I hadn't been able to feel for so long that I couldn't recognise my feelings. Was this blood lust? Or was this anger? It was an abnormal feeling but for an odd reason did not appear unpleasant.

Instead, it left me craving for more.

And angrily or pleasantly I and no one will ever be able to know why that the last thing I thought of was her...

And angrily or pleasantly I and no one will ever be able to know why that the last thing I thought of was her

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I breathed in letting my lungs collect all air after my mother forced me to take some of my inhalers. My mind couldn't stop racing from last nights encounter. He tricked me and I in one moment actually began to like the stranger. But somehow I hate Blaze even more as I did before. More annoyingly Jace hadn't called me back since last night. "so how was last night princess I am sorry we left you home alone all last night." Papa apologised as my brothers and mother smiled sympathetically at me. "It's ok I was fine on my own." I smiled as I forced a spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth. "So lil sis are you excited?" I shook his arm off quickly glaring at Diego. "for what?" Juan glared at me for my cold tone. But I was in no mood to play the good and happy daughter. I have the weight of my whole family on my shoulders.

"We have the arranged winter mafia ball coming up soon in two months." The sweet porridge no longer tasted blissful. I hated all of the mafia parties and balls I had to attend too. It was simply a place where men can share their trophy wife's and spoilt children as they showered all of their filthy wealth. the ball wasn't bad for my brothers because they got to play on all of their play boy instincts with all of the spoiled young girls.  This ball was an occasion that I have been dreading since the day I was born.  You only go once you are 18 and now I will have to join my brothers and older cousins on the dreaded occasion. I was glad all my family decided they would never arrange me or any of the girls in my family in an arranged marriage. But still, this ball had no limits and even my father and powerful uncles could not stop everything.

"why is that something I would look forward too?" I let my bitter tone flow through my words. my family seemed unsurprising shocked by my blunt response but my mother somehow looked understanding. "Angelina watch your tone." John snapped at me. I breathed in deeply. Then let the fork I was holding with all my might fall onto the table. "I apologise for my non-composure but why should I feel excited for something that wasn't made for a woman to enjoy?" they all seemed to conflicted to respond. The maids and servers all seemed to understand my response as they only looked at me with sadness.

"Sorry for my troubled out burst but I will now excuse myself." My voice was cold and emotionless. Being a perfect daughter was not in my list of worries now as of right now my only worry was letting a certain blood fall. I closed my bedroom door behind me locking it calmly. "Finally, you are here I was nearly falling asleep on this bed."

I turned around in shock. Jace was laying on my bed with his socks and shoes off. I stormed over to him and used all my strength to whack him across the head with a pillow. "ow what was that for?! I came here risking my life to ask what happened with the sexy stranger." A low grumble rumbled in my chest as I hit him again. "well if you must know what happened with the 'sexy' stranger! That stranger was Blaze and to continue that he knows who I am." his eyes widened and he jumped out of the bed abruptly. "w-what? how?" Jace raced across his words as he started to pace around the room. "I don't know but all I know is that he won't get away." I sighed. "what do you mean? How?" Jace asked dumbfounded.

"he won't get away because I put a tracker on him." Next minute was being twirled around by my dumb best friend. "this is why you are my best friend!" he cheered giddily. "put me down you idiot my family is down stairs." I shouted harshly through my whisper.

"Angelina? Are you ok? Let me in?" my face paled as I heard John and the other triplets on the other side of my door. Jace let go of me like I was on fire causing me crumble down on the floor like a sack of potatoes. which caused a loud thump to echo through my room making brothers knock on my door more harshly. "hide in my cupboard in the closet." Jace quickly departed and ran to my closet faster than any other time I have seen him run.

"yes?" I opened my door greeting my bewildered brothers. "yes? What were you doing?" Juan my most pigheaded brother interrogated me. "nothing I just needed to get away from downstairs." I smiled sadly. "I am sorry for the way I spoke." John and diego smiled before pushing me into a tight hug. "It's ok little one we know how much you hate all of this. But we promise that we will never leave your side the whole night." I smiled through my well to known guilt. "thankyou." I smiled warmly as I hanged my hand on the door. "what are you doing now?" Diego asked quickly. "school work." Juan seemed just as impatient as me as he kept shifting on his feet. "if you like we could get some ice-cream or something?" for a moment I was weak and looked at John with hope.

But I had to listen to my brain and mute my hearts screams. "I am sorry but I need to get this work done. Maybe another time." I shut the door quickly ignoring all of their pleading looks. Even Juan's saddened at my rejection. But through all the years of having to become a stranger rather than a daughter or a sister.

I became numb...

For the rest of the day, we all managed to get all the unknown information about Blaze. We were able to learn his friends his address, everything. "interested in a fun night." I looked at him sceptically. "what does it entail?" he smiled goofily and showed me the deal. "Blaze is going there for a deal. So are we going to show them the almighty Sparrow?"

I then had the same victory smirk as Blaze. Maybe tonight we'll be the end.

Otherwise, game on Blaze. 

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