Part 2

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For the next two weeks Kevin, Milo, and I did our best to live up our final days as seniors. Our final days that we would be able to spend together without having to worry about our partners. We surfed our hearts out at least two times a day and drank an endless amount of smoothies. We partied on the weekends and handed in half-assed assignments without a care in the world. We were just trying to make more memories before we all went our separate ways.

It was the day of graduation and our results could arrive at any time. Receiving your match was almost always an emotional event. Parents were saying goodbye to their children, allowing them to continue onto the next chapter of their lives. Of course we didn't plan on moving miles away but it was known that you wanted to spend as much time as possible with your match to get to know them.

"Come on, come on. I wanna know," Kevin peaked through the front window, pushing aside the thin floral curtains.

"Kevin give it up," Milo walked into the kitchen while adjusting his graduation gown. "You've been at it all morning. Wouldn't it be better if you got it later anyway."

Kevin shot Milo an annoyed look, "No you idiot. I want to know now!"

Milo shook his head and motioned over to him with his thumb as if to say, "get a load of this guy!" I smiled and shook my head as I placed my cap onto my head.

"Ooh," Kevin jumped up from his position at the window and ran to unlock the door. "Ooh, yes, yes, thank you. Bye bye have a good day!"

Kevin scurried into the kitchen with three white envelops in his hand. He waved them around as a burst of energy shot through him. "Come on open them!"

He handed me the envelope that had my full name written in fancy scripture and a government postal stamp in the corner. As the boys sat at the kitchen island I leaned against the counter on the opposite side. Milo began to count down before they eagerly ripped open their results. Careful to not get a paper-cut I neatly lifted the seal. The state address for the government building sat at the top right section of the form. In a small column I could see my name, age, and sex printed out in blank ink.

"Her name is Amelia!" Milo yelled. "And she only lives thirty minutes away."

I focused my attention back onto the form. Match: Anthony Park. I subconsciously nodded my head as I read more information. Age: 23years old. So he isn't in college, I thought. I frowned at the age as I had thought they would match me with someone a bit younger.

"Viola hurry up! What is taking you so long to read yours?" Kevin tried to grab at my paper but I turned away from him. As I flipped him off I continued to read farther down the document. Occupation: Music Video Director. My eyebrows scrunched up. This wasn't what I had in mind. I was hoping for a guy more involved in the environment, was there even an industry for music video directing in Hawaii? As I got closer to the bottom of the paper, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. There, in fine print read Residency: New York City.

"What?" I glanced over the form again. "This can't be right. This doesn't make any sense. Did I fill out the survey wrong?"

"Huh?" Kevin snatched the paper out of my hand to read for himself. "N-New York City?"

"Hell no!" Milo looked over it to see for himself. "There has to be some mistake!"

I looked at my brothers with sad eyes as our parents descended down the stares, dressed to attend our graduation. "What's going on here. Aren't you all supposed to be ready to leave?"

"They matched Vi with some dude in New York!" Kevin whined, throwing the paper into my parents' hands.

"What..." Mom gasped as she read over the document. "Why so far Viola? Did you not want to stay in Hawaii?"

"Of course I did!" I cried. "They had to mess something up! This isn't what I wanted at all."

Dad checked his watch before he read the paper, "Well here it says there is a number we can call if there's been an error. We're going to be late for your graduation so why don't we try after, Vi?"

I shook my head in agreement, not fully convinced that this situation would get resolved. It wasn't unheard of, the government wasn't perfect and they were bound to make mistakes however I didn't think they could mess up this bad.

"Don't worry Vi!" Milo slung an arm over my shoulders. "We'll get this straightened out. No way you would survive a day off of the island."

Kevin shot me a reassuring smile and motioned for me to step into the car, "Ladies first."


The graduation ceremony went by in a flash. After I walked across the stage all that occupied my mind was that I couldn't leave home. It was my safe place and all my dreams for the future revolved around Hawaii.

"I understand that sir but the results don't make any sense," my dad argued on the phone. The sunset was visible through our windows, casting pinkish-orange hue into our kitchen. Our mother placed plates of rice, fruit, and chicken in front of us but my appetite was lost. By listening to Dad's conversation on the phone, we didn't have much luck.

Dad let out a frustrated sigh as he massaged his temple, "You have to understand that there was a mix up. My daughter's assigned partner doesn't match anything she filled out on her form."

I pushed the grains around on my plate. Out of all the people this could have happened to why did it have to be me? I never bothered anyone, I didn't try to cheat the process. Why was it so difficult to just look over my form one more time to see if there was any type of mistake?

My dad ended the call, letting out an exhausted groan as he put his phone on the counter, "I'm sorry Viola. They said they couldn't do anything right now. That we had to go through with the process until they found time to investigate your file."

I slouched in my chair, whole heartedly disappointed that this would be one of the last days with my family. I could try to convince Anthony to come over to Hawaii but was he really going to leave a stable job for me? I wouldn't.

"Vi I'm sure they'll-" Kevin tried to comfort me by patting my shoulder.

"Kevin," Milo interrupted. "Give her some space."

Dinner was eaten in awkward silence. The sun had already completely set, the sky now only illuminated with brights stars. Our parents would try to suggest encouraging solutions but no matter what I would be on a plane across the country in a few days. The plates were washed, the kitchen island was wiped down, and my parents retired to their bedroom for the night. They assured me that we would try to get in contact with Anthony the next day to inform him of the situation but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

My brothers and I walked out to our backyard that transitioned from greenery to the still warm sand. I sat with Kevin on my left and Milo on my right, our toes just touching where the ocean met the surface. Even though we argued and fought like most siblings we were all still very close. Family was a big part of our lives and to pick up and move hours away, to be away from my immediate and extended family, it was going to be tough.

"Hey we'll call everyday," Milo punched my shoulder playfully.

"Yeah, " Kevin agreed. "And I'll be calling their office everyday. Eventually they'll have to give in! Or they'll block me...that's besides the point though."

My smile was concealed by the lack of light, the moon and stars were the only things visible in the reflection of the water.

"Thanks guys. You're probably right. Before I know I'll be back home."

"Ay!" Kevin threw his weight onto me causing me to collide with Milo. "That's the spirit. I mean, how bad can that Anthony guy really be anyway?!"

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