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I don't own Harry Potter or any books, Tv shows, movies and anything else that pops up. I only own the characters that I created.

Iris Evans threw the last of the Harry Potter books across the room.

"How could she kill Fred?" She screamed. Mrs. Evans stuck her head into her room.

"Everything alright dear?"

"I can't believe she killed off Fred Weasley."

"You're still reading those books."

"Mum, they're not nonsense." Iris protested.

"Sweetie, your father and I would rather you not waste your time reading that nonsense."

"But, mum."

"Iris Lillian Evans, you are not to read those books again and that's final." Mrs. Evans said firmly, picking up the pile of the six Harry Potter books. She found the seventh on the floor in front of the closet and picked it up.

Her parents thought her obsession with Harry Potter was unhealthy. She was currently up to date with all the movies and books that had been released so far. She went as far to get the Hogwarts robes and wand to go with it. And to top it all off she even got every book signed by the one and only J.K. Rowling and had pictures of her with the cast of Harry Potter.

"Oh, come mum." Iris began as she followed her mother out of her room and down the stairs.

"You don't care when I read Twilight or The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games has more blood and death in it then Harry Potter and Twilight put together."

"This is not up for discussion, Iris." Mrs. Evans said firmly.

"You're being ridiculous." Iris shot back. There was a sudden pop and glass rained down on her mother's head as the stairway light exploded. As they walked into the living room she noticed how dark it was.


Iris looked down and noticed that there was glass everywhere.

"Dad, did we have another black out?" She inquired.

"Yes, dear." Mr. Evans said exasperated walking over to the stash of lightbulbs they had stored for this particular reason.

"Why is it that every time I come you seemed to have a black out?" A voice asked.

"Uncle Charlie!" Sirius Evans, Iris's younger brother shouted from the top of the steps. He swung one leg over the side of the banister, zoomed down crashing into uncle Charlie and knocked him over.

"Sorry 'bout that." Sirius said grinning mischievously.

"No you aren't you little bugger." Charlie Wesley said ruffling his godson's raven black hair. He tried lifting Sirius off of him, but couldn't.

"Gosh, what are they feeding you little guy? You are heavy."

"I am not." Sirius grumbled.

"Whatever you say little man. Now could you get off me?"

"Oh, sorry about that." Sirius said getting up. Charlie got to his feet.

"You're lucky I didn't cut myself with all this glass lying around." He said.

"So, Iris blew up the lightbulbs again." Sirius said.

"I did not." Iris shot back.


"What just happened?" Marlene Evans, Iris's younger sister and Sirius' twin asked.

"I don't know. What are you looking at me for?" Iris demanded.

Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now