chapter 7

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Today I woke up late I quit my job at chipotle since Josh did say that hes going to sparta supporting Aria so I dont have to work extra hours me and bryce are hanging out hes really nice it's just me and him Aria is going with josh the house is almost finished so like next week we will be good to move in I wore this

Today I woke up late I quit my job at chipotle since Josh did say that hes going to sparta supporting Aria so I dont have to work extra hours me and bryce are hanging out hes really nice it's just me and him Aria is going with josh the house is al...

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And did my make up like this

And did my make up like this

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And my hair like this

I woke up Aria since Josh was coming to get her soon u dressed her into this

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I woke up Aria since Josh was coming to get her soon u dressed her into this

I woke up Aria since Josh was coming to get her soon u dressed her into this

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I did her hair like this

I did her hair like this

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I made her pancakes packed her this bag since Josh has her for the full day

I made her pancakes packed her this bag since Josh has her for the full day

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It's just basic thing u know josh texted me that hes outside someone knocked at the door ut was bryce and Josh I gave bryce a hug and josh a smile when I hugged bryce Josh just looked away ut was all if he was jelouse that's what he would do when someone would flirt with me oh well it probably nothing I gave

him the backpack and Aria ran to him them hugged bryce

Aria:by mummy me and daddy will be back soon uncwle mack sure she dosnt cry when were away
B:anything fir you kid
He laughed then I laughed me we said goodbye to josh me and bryce went upstairs I cleaned while he picked a movie
H:bryce can we talk about us for a second we have been hanging out a lot like everyday but I just want to be friends your like a brother to me and I live someone else
B:from the moment I saw u look at Josh I knew that he is the live of your life and your also like a sister to me and I love you anytime you need something g let me know I will try my hardest to do it also could I have Aria tomorrow beacuse I know u and Josh have some catching on to do

H:sure just when he comes should ask him
The rest of the days me and bryce went chipotle and went home watched movies once Josh bought Aria home I hugged her
H: by the way so bryce said that he could look after Aria beaccyse addison is coming over so many we could catch on like the living situation and things like that ?
Jo:sure so it's like a all us day

H:sure u could say that

I hugged bryce goodbye and then bryce whispered in my ear
B:give the boy a hug hes so jelouse
I walked up to josh and hugged him he hugged me back
They left I aske aria about her day she said that they went to a trapoling place and Josh wouldn't leave her presents she said it was funi dressed us up in our pjs and we went to bed

I hugged bryce goodbye and then bryce whispered in my ear B:give the boy a hug hes so jelouse I walked up to josh and hugged him he hugged me backh&aria:byeeB&jo:byeeThey left I aske aria about her day she said that they went to a trapoling place ...

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What will happen tomorrow will josh cancel it will Bryce or maybe no one will Sorry the thingy wasnt working very well but I tried

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What will happen tomorrow will josh cancel it will Bryce or maybe no one will
Sorry the thingy wasnt working very well but I tried

my baby 😏J.R😏Where stories live. Discover now