Chapter 9 (Final chapter)

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"We finish the Natura City, Akusuka, and Dream Fever. What about you?" "I finish the Metro Division and Cast Tech. I believe we finished. Let's head to Grand Qwasa quickly." (Y/n) spoke through the phone. She play her violin opening the portal and jump through.

She made it to Grand Qwasa and was angry see Kliff and his army of robots blocking the Grand Qwasa. "Are you kidding me!" She turn around see Mayday and Zuke. "We don't had time for this!" "I believe you guys need help." They saw Tatiana walk out from the building holding her guitar. She play her guitar, than the red and orange wave cause the robots to be destroy and knock out Kliff.

"You three, head to Grand Qwasa!" The teens rush towards the Grand Qwasa. They went higher up. "Everyone! All together now!" Mayday called out. "BUNKA! JUNKA! SHAKALAKA!" The building started to move fast as lots of building came towards the NSR building a big arm.

The satellite was getting closer to it, until the arm destroy it. Everybody in Vinly City cheered and clap at Bunk Bed Junction. "We did it Mayday." Zuke look at May and was shock see her guitar was broken. "Oh no your guitar! Did it break after the last battle?" "We don't deserve a hero welcome. Not after the things we've done." Mayday said to Zuke and drop her guitar. They come down see the the NSR artists walk towards them.

Tatiana gave Mayday her own guitar. Mayday cry in happiness. Zuke look at (y/n) see her bandages fall from her left eye. "(Y/n)...your eye." Zuke said. (Y/n) ripped the bandages off. Zuke see her left eye was not the same of her right (e/c) eye, it's a different color. (Y/n) slung her backpack off place it on the ground open the zipper. She pull out her phone see her reflection, than she gasp see her left was different. It was dark purple.

"This...this is new to me." She whisper. "And (y/n)" she look up facing at Tatiana walk up to her. "Everybody in Vinly City really love your music. They think you be the new artist as a violin artist." Tatiana said. (Y/n) eyes widen what Tatiana said. "So, do you think you can become other artist or be with your friends?" Tatiana ask.

(Y/n) turn around see Mayday and Zuke gave her a smile and thumbs up. She smile at them turn back at Tatiana. "Will do, I'll become the violin artist."

-Few Years-

It had been few years that rock music is back. Thing changes, (y/n) became violin artist. She practice her violin, dance, and sing to make a new song and perform. Zuke and Mayday join with her play together as rock as working together like making new music.

Currently, Mayday and Zuke were outside of the park to see their friend concert. They see (y/n) perform on the stage. They see her play her violin and dancing, everybody were amazed see her play.

After that, the crowded cheered at her. (Y/n) place her violin on the violin stand top of the table from the end by the curtain.

She bring the microphone closed to her and said "Glad you like it everybody, and here's my last performance with a song. And I had new friends who help me dance to practice last week. Please to meet Lela and Lule!" Two girls come out from behind the curtains.

The one on the left had pink skin, had blue hair and her eyes were cover by her bangs, she wore white sleeves and white cargo pants. The second on the right had blue skin, pink hair and her eyes were cover with her bangs, wore black t-shirt and black ripped pants. "They are the twin sisters who help me dance last week . Now let's start the music!" The music started to play and the girls started to dance.

After that, the crowd cheered at them like wild. "Thank you!" The girls shouted. They got off the stage went into the white tent so the people would ask them a question or give them gifts or take photos. (Y/n) sat on the chair of the fan booth see many fans front of her and her friends. After she received gifts and finish answering question from the fans she heard familiar scream.

"(Y/n)!!!" Mayday rush towards her and gave her a hug. "That was awesome! You did so great back there!" "Mayday, you hugging her too tight." Zuke pleaded Mayday to let her go. Mayday let (y/n) go "By the way, which girls is Lule and Lela?" Mayday ask. "The one with blue hair is Lela and the pink hair was Lule. We met each other at the cafe. They walk up to me since they saw everything from the record video that DJSS record everywhere in Vinly City here since few years ago. They know how to dance so they help me." (Y/n) explain.

"Wow! I gotta take a photo with them!" Mayday rush off to meet the twin sisters. "I gotta hold her back. It was great performance. Seeya." Zuke walk away.

"(Y/N)!!!" (Y/n) see five hoodies figures rush towards her. "Hey. I know who you guys are." She lean closer to them. "The 1010." She whisper. "Yep! And you were great out there! do you like to hang out with us? Like the six of use." Rin said blushing, same thing to the boys. "Of course, I meet you guys outside behind the tent til I finish." The boys than walk away heading outside.

(Y/n) lean her back on the chair and sigh 'Best day I ever had.' She thought herself.

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