hogwarts bully part 12

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What is he doing here?

He won't look away so i won't either.

Aww, does he think i look good in this dress?
I twirled and tried to show off the dress at him.  Hermione and Ginny were confused and turned to the direction im looking at.

Draco shaked his head lightly and looked down. I swear i saw a grin on his face

"Oooh you and Malfoy?" Ginny said and turned back to me. "Dont even think about it! Just wanna show off this dress" i said and laughed.

I closed the curtain and changed to my uniform again. Then i saw my stained shirt and remembered that i have to buy a new shirt.

I hanged the dress where it was and paid for a white shirt. Before i left the store, i bumped into a girl, who had lots of shopping bags..

"Im so sorry i didnt- oh it's you- nevermind" i said and slowly back away

Yep. Pansy Parkinson.

"Ugh! Who do you think i am?" The prat asked. "A gorilla" i whispered and hopes she won't hear that. "What did you say? A gorilla?" She asked.

I actually hate arguing with her cause it'll take a bunch of hours but oh well

"Not my fault you look like one" i explained and raised my hands halfway up. Then Malfoy showed up beside her.

Hermione grabbed me by my wrist and headed towards the door before i could say anything else

"I dont look like a gorilla!" Pansy claimed.
"Right, you act like one" i said. Before Hermione pulled me completely out of the shop, i looked at Draco and boi, i know he was grinning and he tried to hide it with pretending to scratch his nose.

I saw Pansy's face from the glass door and she was not happy. Teehee :)

Anyways, we all decided to make a stop at three broomsticks.

It was so crowded but luckily we found a place for us to sit. We talked and laughed about stupid stuff and omg i love these people! Some minutes later, we ordered 5 butterbeers and Harry said he'll pay for us all.

"YES FREE BUTTERBEERS" ron said as the Butterbeers came to our table. And i dunno if he is drinking it or he's washing his face with it. But he got a white moustache and a white reindeer nose.

"It's getting late guys, i think we should head back" Ginny said while looking at the clock, which is hanging on the wall. We all agreed to head back home too.

We made our way to the Express and got in right on time.

I wasn't watching  my steps and that's why i fell. Ugh it's all my feet's fault!

I looked up to see Draco smiling.

It's his fault.

"Falling for me again, Lincon?" Draco 'asked' while Crabbe and Goyle laughed. I rolled my eyes and get back up.

I don't wanna deal with him so i just walk away. "Forgetting something, Lincon?" Malfoy said.

What does this blonde asshole want now. I swear i was screaming in my head.

I turned around and crunched my fist while putting a smile on my face. I make a step towards him "what malfoy" i asked

He looked to the ground and came towards me. Dude i was hella confused. With one blink were both his eyes looking at me. His messy blonde hair were on the way and i couldn't see his eyes properly. But i dont want to either.

"A kiss" he said grinning. My eyes popped out. Hell no. Hell to the no.

"What?" I asked and crunched my eyebrows.

But his grin became bigger as he looked down. So i looked down too and saw my bag with my stained shirt in it. Oh crap i must've dropped it when i tripped.

"Oh-" i said and picked it up. I looked back at him and he was still grinning. What is he grinning at? I rolled my eyes and went to the next compartment where my friends were.

They looked at me as if I'm a ghost or something. "What?" I said confused. "Malfoy? Really?" Harry asked. "Nuh uh nope" i said and took my seat next to them.

"Uhm Ginny.." harry said out of literally nowhere. "Yes?" Ginny replied.

I looked at Hermione with a 'it's happening' face and she looked back at me with a 'i can't believe it' face.

"Will you... uhm.. be go to the yu-"

"YESS!" Ginny shouted before Harry could finished. She stood up and hugged him. Awwwwe he hugged back!!!!

I looked at Hermione who was looking at Ron. I think she was waiting for him to say the same thing

I looked at Ron and be starts to open his mouth.

But nothing came out.

"Oh spit it out already!" I shouted

"Doyouwanttogototheballwithme?" Ron said very fast. I mean, he did spit it out.

I looked at Harry and Ginny and they were grinning too.

Hermione smiled and stood up "YESS!" she shouted and hugged Ron.

After the hOnEy mOoNs, they all looked at me and smirked. "What?" I said. "It's time for you to find yourself a date" Hermione said.

I said nothing and smiled sarcastically back. They laughed and so do i

Oh dear.

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now