hogwarts bully part 53

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As soon as i got in my dorm, i drank some water and layed down for a bit till my head calmed down.

i slept.

a couple of hours later, Hermione and Ginny came rushing in

"oh my god really?! we have to tell that to jess!, she'll lov-"

i interrupted their talking by groaning and smacking a pillow on my face. Just....

let me sleep dammit

"JESS- " Ginny yelled and stopped talking as she saw me laying down on my bed with a pillow on my face

"jess?" Hermione called confused and sat next to me on my bed

"hm" i said with no energy

"you good?" Hermione asked then tried to take my pillow off of my face

"lEt mE slEeP! gOddAyUm" i said weakly, put my pillow back behind my head and turned to the other side

Hermione placed a hand on my forhead

"hm, you don't have a fever though" Hermione claimed

"i only have a light headache, it'll be gone soon no worries" i explained shortly with my eyes still close while trying to rest

"have you drank water?" Ginny asked

"yEs mOm" i replied tired asf

"by the way, we got something to tell you!" Hermione then said excitedly

"save it" i groaned still tired asf

fucking annoying

"fine, fine" Hermione said annoyed

a couple of hours later, Hermione and Ginny woke me up cause it was time for dinner.

"wake the fuck up woman" one of them said while pushing me

"what, why?" i asked and slowly woke up

"uhm, well, i dunno, maybe.... DINNER?" Ginny said sarcastically

btw if you're asking, ye, i'm a sleepyhead

that's like, my hobby

oml that's so sad



as i got up, i felt no headches anymore. Was the sleep worth it?

bitch, YUH

"how is your headache doing?" Hermione asked as we made our way to the dining hall

"he's gone for good" i replied and smiled at her

we then took our seats, and danced :)

just kidding we of course eat dUh


"you excited for the little party tonight, Jess?" Ron asked and forked a chicken

lmao pok pok bitch

wait what-


what party???

"ha?" i asked confused and stopped chewing my food

"oh right, she didn't know yet!" Ginny claimed "we wanted to make a small karaoke party in the great hall!" Ginny explained happily

i crunched my eyebrows

"yeah, and how exactly will we do that?" i asked confused

"well, we'll use a projector to make a big karaoke studio and we'll decorate the room! with sparkling lights, disco balls, and all those stuff!" Ron said very excited

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu