hogwarts bully part 38

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"Ey Lincon!"

I turned around and saw Draco walking kinda wobbly towards me

Oh god

"Malfoy" i replied annoyed

He stood infront of me and went with his hands through his messy blonde hair

Oo dang


I widend my arms waiting for an answer
"What?" I asked

"You're not enjoying the party" he said and grinned widely

Is this bitch for real-

"DRACOOOO" one of his friends said from a distance

"I'LL BE RIGHT BACK" he yelled back and waved them away

As soon as they're gone, he turned his head to me and said

"They called us" he said and winked at me

"Im not going Malfoy" i said "besides they're calling you" i added and turned around to head away

He then grabbed my wrist and turned me around

At this moment i felt as if i knew this feeling. I've had this weird feeling before and this familiar stare. We were staring at eachother so deeply that i couldnt even think of anything else.

That shit crazy. Ugh i hate it

His stare went from my lips to my eyes. Dammit. He's doing it again and again and again.

"You drive me crazy" he said in a sleepy tone without any familiar face expressions that i knew till now. He's not even grinning at that moment.

Oh shit

I didn't think of anything else. I was just lost but i felt like i belonged there. Ugh it's that type of feeling that i cant describe with words.

It's that feeling that i hate so much cause i liked it

"I fucking hate you" i said and our lips suddenly touched.

My mind was just blank. I didn't even know why i kissed him or he kissed me or ugh i dunno.

i layed my arms on his shoulders and my hands on his head. He pulled my waist closer to him and i could feel his ice cold hands on my shirt which is under my robe

He then pinned me on the wall and i realized what's happening as i saw his face.

As he was getting closer i pushed him away and gasped for air

I looked at him for awhile to catch my breath and he was looking at me with this face again which i can't describe.

"You're drunk" i sighed and he grinned

"What?" He said while still grinning

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away so that i could go to my destination.

On the way to my dorm, i was thinking the whole time about the kiss.

I can't believe it. I don't want to either. As we kissed i thought about nothing else but it didn't mean i was thinking about him.

But he was drunk so hopefully he would forget that tomorrow or hopefully i would

As i reached my dorm, i have got to be quiet cause I'll get in trouble if i woke Hermione or Ginny up

I got dressed into my PJs and tiptoed onto my bed

As soon as i reached my bed, i exhaled all my breath out and closed my eyes.

The next day i woke up to Hermione's voice

As soon as i opened my eyes, Hermione said

"Jess! Great that you're awake! You gotta get dressed!"

I crunched my eyebrows cause it was too bright in here. I took some time waking myself up while Ginny was on the bathroom.

As she left the bathroom, it was my turn to get myself ready in there. I got dressed, i got ready, and i got out with Hermione and Ginny to the dining hall

As we reached the dining hall, we sat down on our seats and ate some toasts

After we're done eating, we all head to our classes

We now have History of Magic which is not thAt bad for me

As i reached the class, i took my seat beside my friends and the professor starts the class

"Morning, students. Today we are going to do what we have never done before" professor Binns started

Is he gonna dismiss this class earlier?! If yes then he's my fave

"We are going to work in groups and grades" he added

Bruh how would that work though

"Ms. Granger with Zabini"

BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH omg im so sorry for her

I looked at her and tried to not grin while Professor Binns was calling out names

"Ms Lincon with Malfoy" Professor Binns continued

Uhm. What? Excuse me?

pErhAps i hEaRd yOu wrOng

I looked at Malfoy 1 row beside me and he looked back with a wink

I sighed in disappointment and turned my head away

Oh no

"Ok now take your seats next to your partner and discuss the paper i gave you. Every teammates have different papers" he added

What paper though?

I looked at my desk as suddenly a paper appeared

Found it lol

I took it and sat myself next to the grinning Malfoy

"Nice to see you again" he smiled

I said nothing and just smiled sarcastically

"Ok let's start" i said and held the paper in the middle of us so that he could see it too

"Ok so, we have to explain step by step how the trial went from witch Trials of 1692 till Gargoyle Strike of 1911" i explained

"So that means we also have to explain Wendelin the Weird cause that is after the witch Trial of 1692" Draco explained

I looked at him surprisingly

"You've learned" i said

"Im smarter than you think" he replied

After 2 hours of History of Magic, it was break time and me and Malfoy went to the library to search for stuff that could help us with our History of Magic shit

I took 5 stacked books out of the shelf while Draco was sitting on a chair

After i smacked the 5 stacked books on the table, i then said

"Ok, you start with the book Gargoyle Strike of 1911, I'll start with Witch Trial of 1692 and we'll meet somewhere in the middle" i explained

Draco was looking at me with his eyebrows raised up while holding a paper

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked annoyed

"Your brain" he replied

I crunched my eyebrows

"It's hot" he grinned

"Focus!" I rolled my eyes annoyed

We both started with our first books for this wOrk

It was finally silent till Malfoy said

"I was drunk by the way"

I crunched my eyebrows and took a moment to think

Oh shit- he remembered. Act cool act cool

"What do you mean?" I asked and pretend i dunno shit

"The kiss" he answered

hogwarts bully- draco malfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz