Chapter 23

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Daryl and Aaron stared at the high priestess. She was a sneaking wench. Daryl didn't even hear her enter the room; which meant that there was another way out – unless she was hiding in the room watching them. She wasn't wearing a cape now. Her hair was extremely long and dark as night. Her green eyes sparkled as she stood tall and unafraid in a long, white nightgown with wide sleeves that hung from her slim arms.

"Please come closer," she beaconed. "We have much to discuss."

They walked to the table. When they got closer, Daryl could see a deck of cards on the black velvet tablecloth. They were bigger than ordinary playing cards and there were more of them.

She looked at Daryl. "When we met before there was no time for introductions. I am Vivian, the high priestess to the throne. I was ordained by –"

"We don't give shit," Daryl interrupted abruptly. "Let us out of here."

Vivian smirked. "What's the rush? You have time, well, forty minutes to spare to be exact."

"How do you know?" Aaron asked with suspicion.

"The cards told me," she said as she gestured to the large deck.

Daryl rolled his eyes. "You're a fortune teller now? Yesterday, you was a witch doctor. What was that crap you gave me anyway?"

Vivian laughed. "I assure you Mr. Dixon it wasn't crap. It was a potion that enhanced your destiny in the Clavicles. It heightens the senses and draws the spirits to you to play out what is supposed to happen in the tomb. Obviously, in your case, it was your destiny to survive it and the spirits helped you with that."

"Cut the shit," Daryl practically snarled. "It was some sort of hallucinogenic."

"No. Whatever you saw and experienced down there was real enough, I assure you."

"You said you wanted to talk," Aaron interjected. "What about?"

Vivian nodded at Aaron. "Please sit," she said as she gestured outward.

Aaron sat down in a black iron chair across from the table. Daryl shook his head and followed his lead. What can she tell us that we don't already know? We don't even know if she can be trusted; especially after yesterday.

Vivian sat in the large iron chair on the other side of the table and grabbed the deck of cards. "About what is meant to happen. About what I have seen during these past few days," she answered as she shuffled the cards. Then, she looked at Daryl. "I have seen your destiny Daryl Dixon, both of them." She stopped shuffling and pulled a card from the deck and held it up for Daryl and Aaron to see.

It was a picture of a guy sitting on a throne holding a scepter. "One path is life," she began and sat the card on the table. She pulled another card out of the deck and showed it to them. It was a picture of the grim reaper. "And the other death." She laid the card on the table and immediately pulled another one out of the deck. It was a picture of the earth. "You can have it all - the kingdom, the palace, the largest army on earth under your control, and . . . the queen who you love. However, if you don't heed my warning, you will die before the final battle."

"Warning, huh?" Daryl said impatiently. "What is it?"

Vivian pulled another card out of the deck. It was of a man face down on the ground with swords in his back. "The reigning king will order his soldiers to kill you tomorrow night; the dawn before your fight. Don't make it easy for them. Wherever you are resting your head now, flee from it. Sleep in the streets if necessary. For someone has betrayed you and your friends."

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