Chapter 2

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You had been going to therapy for around a three months now and felt much more safe and calm. Your medication had helped and you where getting more sleep and has stopped your negative thoughts.

"I am pleased you have improved so well." hannibal said opening the door for you.

"I cannot thank you enough Dr Lecter" you say

"It is my pleasure (y/n)" he said. "and please call me Hannibal."

"Oh okay" you smile. "Bye Hannibal." you say.

"Goodbye (y/n)" he said "oh (y/n)" he said and you turn to him. "I would love to invite you to brunch" he said.

"Oh."you say." I would be honoured" you grin as he writes down his address. You take it.

You drive home and when you get home you listen to the phone recordings. You freeze.

"Hey (y/n). Its Jacob" it said. "I am in the USA for a holiday. I would love to meet up. I got your address and number from Jackie." the phone beeped.

You slowly walk over to the phone and phone Jackie.

"Yeah" Jackie said. "He has changed (y/n)" she said. "when you left he changed. You should meet him again"

"I'm not sure" you whisper.

"He wants to see you. He is going to apologise"

"Oh... I will talk to it with my therapist" you say.

"Wait you have a therapist?" Jackie asks and laughs. "it's not like you need it. Meet him and he will get off my back whining about being sorry for hurting you."

"Oh." you say.

"You tell me how it goes alright sis?" she says and the phone disconnects.

You sit on the couch and curl into a ball.

"I guess I could meet him" you think.

The doorbell rings and peeking through the window you see Jacob at the doorstep. You freeze and duck down. He rings again. Building up your courage you open the door slightly

"(y/n)?" he asks.

"Yes?" you say timidly.

"Ohh (y/n) it's been forever" he says and pushed the door open further.  "I came to apoligise and ask you for a meal."

"I am not sure..." you say and try to close the door.

"Oh come on" he says. "For old times?" he asked.  "It's Sushi" he said. "Your favourite"

"I will drive" you say.

"But you where always anxious driving" he said.

"I have a therapist" you say. "I have gotten over it"

"A therapist?" he asks and smirks slightly. "They are just failed doctors. Waste of money in my opinion. Come on then, you drive and I pay"

"I guess" you say and let go of the door. Jacob opens the door fully and follows you in as you get your keys.

"Your house is lovely" he said "almost as lovely as you are" he laughed slightly as you walked towards the door and lock it. Walking towards the car he gets in and you drive to the local Sushi place.

He seemed to have changed. He had a new job in management and he had apoligise for hurting you and even said he missed you very much.

You smiled at him however the words of Hannibal ran in your brain. "Don't get in contact with your abusers."

"So you said you have a therapist?" he asked and you nod.


"Oh I just talk to him about stuff." you say.

"You haven't talked about me have you?" he asked

"No no" you say quickly and his face softened

"That's good. I don't want you telling events which did not happen" he said. "You memory is shocking and you would make a fool out of yourself when the truth comes to light that you are doing it only for attention"

You melt into the seat.

"But I can help you" he said. "This bullshit therapist doesn't know you like I do. I love you and I know you"

You stay silent.

"I came here to say I love you and ask you to come back to the UK with me"

You stare at him. "I don't know" you say tentivly.

"What do you mean you don't know?" he asks. "Your job is write shitty books. You can move it."

"I guess" you say.

"Good" he said. "I love you"

You nod.

"You need to say it back" he said.

"......I love you too"

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