Todoroki Imagine (Suicide⚠️)

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You had just gotten back from a long and amazing weekend with your boyfriend Todoroki and you couldn't wait to hang out with him after school tomorrow. Your mom recently passed away two months ago so it was really hard for you right now but you had Todoroki. It was Monday and your alarm went off to go to school, so you got dressed in a decent outfit and put your hair in a ponytail. You don't do makeup so it usually only took 10 minutes to get ready and walk out the door. You don't eat breakfast because you are to lazy to and you aren't that hungry. Once you make it inside, you bump into Bakugou. He's always angry and you knew this, but this time he seemed even worse. He didn't usually scare you but he never talked to you either. "Wow what a clumsy extra, you should watch where your going" he said almost yelling. Your are a pretty sensitive person so this hurt you a lot. Your eyes began to water as you stared at the floor frozen in place. He kept going off about your looks, how everyone had been talking about you behind your back and apparently how Todoroki had been cheating on you. At this point you were on the floor crying your eyes out but you knew one thing that wasn't true was that Todo had been cheating, he would never do that. Bakugou pushed you over as he walked away so now you were just laying there crying. It was pretty early so luckily nobody else was in the hall at that time to see you. You finally managed to calm yourself down and go to class. You just wanted the day to be over with, so at some point you fell asleep. You were in class 1B so you were upset you didn't get to see Todoroki very often at school, but you figured today was a good day to go to his house and hopefully rant to him about how crappy your day was. Bakugou had brought up your family and said that your parents were probably pieces of crap and you took a lot of offense to that especially because your mom had just passed. After the day finally ended, you packed up your stuff and made your way to Todoroki's house. Class 1A usually gets out earlier for some reason so he was already home. You knocked a few times but stopped as soon as you heard weird noises coming from inside. You knew that was exactly what Todoroki sounded like, but there was another girl making noises as if they were doing things together. "No.. Todoroki would never cheat.." you whispered to yourself as you slowly opened the door to his house. You walked up to his room door and knocked but didn't wait for anyone to answer. As you opened it, you saw exactly what you feared, him with another girl.. naked. The girl looked like she had black hair, obviously way prettier than you but you didn't have time to look through your blurry eyes as you ran out of his house crying. At this point you didn't know what to do or where to go. Your dad was abusive so going home crying would just make him yell at you for being a big baby and going to Todos house was no longer an option. You really didn't want to live anymore and you realized that nobody would be there to stop you anymore. You thought about how you could possibly end it all right here right now and got an idea. The bridge. As you were running you heard Todoroki yell your name from a distance, but it was to late. The sun was now setting and you were standing on the bridge, wondering if you could some how survive the fall because you didn't want to be in that kind of pain. After a few minutes you slowly walked closer to the edge of the bridge, looking out at the beautiful sunset in the distance and leaning your body farther to the water and rocks below. You then turned around and saw Todoroki running towards you, but it was to late. You closed your eyes and fell backwards, not having another thought as your body hit the cold water and soon after, everything went black.

Todoroki's POV-

Me and y/n had a great weekend and all together, but I was scared to tell her that I didn't feel the same. I may be blunt and honest about everything but this was the one thing I couldn't be straight forward with. I love her as a friend, but I love Momo as more. After school, I invited Momo to my house because I figured y/n wouldn't come over today. She showed up and we talked for a little bit but it escalated quickly from a make out session. Eventually I had stripped her of her cloths and we were about to do the basic human thing to do with other for physical pleasure until y/n walked in. I threw the covers over Momo in attempts to hide her body, but I realized that wasn't as important as running after y/n so I got up and threw my shorts on to chase after her. I felt like the worst person in the world as I followed her to the bridge thinking she was just going to sit down and I would have the chance to apologize and explain, but she only stood there. I yelled, but it was too late. Her body fell back before I could catch her hand to pull her back up and I dropped to the ground. I had no idea she would jump from that and my heart shattered into a million pieces. I should've been there for her. If Momo wasn't with me at the moment, none of this would've happened. As soon as I went home to cry myself to sleep, I kicked Momo out and we never spoke again because I blamed her for what happened to my best friend... my girl friend. After I told everyone the news in class 1-A, I watched as Bakugou left the class room with tears building up in his eyes as if it effected him more than it should have. They never talked, so why did he look so hurt? It was depressing at school and Bakugou ended up moving to a different school, still becoming a great Hero in the future but not me. I couldn't be a hero after I killed someone.

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