Chapter 8 (2)

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Sorry it couldn't let me write under the image so I had to make a second one sorry agin and I hope your liking the storyline so far and every time I check my story I get surprised the you guys are reading them so thank you and I'm sorry if I don't realise the story's that quickly I just got stuff to do but I'll always try and come back and write some more for your lovely people and if there are missed spellings I'm very sorry but you can understand what I'm saying in the story but anyway let's get you reading the next part of the story
When I was done sending my friends all the apartment pictures i went to go to the kitchen and got myself a drink of water while my music was still playing from when I was moving everything around and unpacking stuff as I took a big gulp of fresh cold icy water I looked at the amazing view and went to put my glass of water down on the coffee table and started dancing at my favourite song running up the stairs getting changed into something that was cozy to ware singing and dancing and spinning around but once I got some clean clothes on i went down the stairs turned of my music and when to lock my apartment door and got out of the building

I wanted to explore LA since I was stranded in my apartment unpacking things and all I wanted to have a spare time looking around LA before I would have a lay in day tomorrow for my last day until I would go and see my office and go to work everyday but back to present not future as I walked along the side walk I noticed this restaurant so I went in there and asked to have a sit for one the lady who was at the front when I go in to the restaurant told me to follow her as I followed I looked at the restaurant and it was very cute it had wood walls with black pillars for door ways and lights that were dimmed down for a natural look on the restaurant

Once I got seated the lady gave me the menu and smiled and said I'll come back in a bit before I looked at the menu I looked around to see if there was people here, there were lots of people in the restaurant with family's with there lovers and friends I smiled and turned back to have a look at the menu as I looked at the menu I started looking at the titles Salad,Pizza,Pasta,Burgers,Vegan,Vegetarian,Fish
,Sushi etc once I was done looking the lady came back to me and said "are you ready to order now?" I looked to her and smiled and said "yes could I have y/f/y/l/t/o (your food you like to order) The woman smiled and nodded and said "yes ill get that for you would you like a drink with that too" I nodded and said "yes I'll have y/d" (your drink) I passed her the menu back as she grabbed it and walked away to go and get my drink to wait for the food as I looked what was going on ,on instagram and Snapchat

It took 10 minutes until my food was here as I said "thank you" the woman smiled and said "anything else" I shook my head and said "no that's all" she nodded and walked away as I was trying the food the food was amazing that my eyes would have cried I said to myself "where have you been all my life" I smiled and in joyed my food in peace once I was done I was ready to go so I asked for the bill and the women came back to take my plate away the woman nodded as I looked at the time and it was getting to 10:00 so once I payed the bill I left the restaurant and went back home and grabbed a drink of water and put it on the coffee table watching That 70 Show with a blanket on me as my apartment house was dark and it was only the tv the was shining light as I my eyes got heavy I started falling asleep and dozed off for a sleep

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