Parked on Hell Street {Hoseok + Namjoon} pt. 2/3

Start from the beginning

Namjoon shared his decision. The leader loved Soobin like the younger brothers of BTS and felt responsible for TXT. He would die if the same thing that happened to Jimin, happened to Soobin.

"Don't go! Don't go! Hyungs, stop. It's not safe." Taehyung begged.

Hoseok kissed his forehead, "Hyungs will be okay. Don't worry so much. Watch Jimin, and don't tell Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung where we're going."

"What if they ask me?" Taehyung whispered angrily, he couldn't believe his two hyungs were going out there with a monster on the loose.

"Tell them! Don't lie." Namjoon made it clear, "We don't care if they find out. Soobin's life may be at risk."

Taehyung sighed but agreed. He would do the same thing.


Hoseok demanded Jejun to get out of the car.

As soon as the two seniors got to TXT's dorm, they didn't wait or hesitant to confront the unknown person in the car.

Namjoon has never met Jejun but based on Jungkook's description, it couldn't be anyone else.

"Where's Soobin?" Namjoon skipped formalities.

Jejun wasn't intimidated: "Who's asking?"

"Us." Hoseok snapped, his anger was echoing off his voice.

"See for yourselves." Jejun pointed in the direction he later signaled to Soobin hours ago.

Hoseok stopped. He was worried about Soobin but he was soon worried about what was down the ally. What could be down there that made Soobin go missing?

Namjoon put his friend in the front, knowing that the fellow rapper walked much faster than him.

The moonlight led them down the dark alleyway. They screamed Soobin's name as they walked, they didn't have time to be scared. The world was suddenly spinning faster and faster.

Hoseok stopped them both. He received a text message from Jin which read:

"Come home. Soobin is here. Get the TXT members and come home now."

Talking with venom dripping off his words, Hoseok said to Namjoon:

"He set us up."

A man came up behind a dumpster. He was also short, but the tattoo on his neck stood out to the two. The tattoo absolutely had a certain meaning behind it. The realization hit Namjoon and he got his answer as what Jejun's motive was.

The gang member had a knife across his long fingers. The two both ran back to the car in knowledge of what Jejun was after.

Jejun spat at their feet, "I don't mind having to hurt you. It honestly just makes it easier to get to Jungkook."


Soobin's older sister is a police officer and used to teach him manipulation tactics in case something like what's happening now occurred.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me where the police station is?"

The leader knew he was stupid for confronting Jejun. He couldn't live in fear anymore, it was time to stop this.

Jejun breathed out cigarette smoke and pointed to the direction of a long alleyway. Soobin smiled to himself, that should make him leave. He planned on walking down the alley until Jejun left but that didn't happen. Soobin's stomach turned when he saw the gang member. He ran away. Soobin understood that he and his members were in danger so he ran as fast as he could in the direction of the BTS dorms.

While he was running, he started to dial Yeonjun's phone number but he stopped himself. If he told Yeonjun about Jejun then Yeonjun will surely take the kids and leave the dorm. Soobin's biggest fear is what Jejun would do to them.

He instead called Taehyung and informed him that he was coming over. The conversation only lasted fifteen seconds; Taehyung knew something bad happened and didn't need an explanation. He quickly got out of bed and typed in the passcode for their gate.

The opening of the gate freaked Yoongi out and demanded to know why the second maknae would do something so stupid.

Taehyung broke and told his hyung what has been happening for the past few hours and where Namjoon and Hoseok were.

Yoongi couldn't believe how undeniably stupid his two dongsaengs were. The two members just made everything worse.

TXT's leader opened the door to the BTS dorm and immediately fell into Taehyung's arms sobbing.

Jin was pissed as he listened to his junior's explanation of what happened. He was half angry at Namjoon and Hoseok but was more upset with his junior. He calmly told Soobin that the two rappers were currently out looking for them.

Soobin's eyes widened.

"You know better. You're a leader and a hyung, you're supposed to know better. I'm very upset with you. Yeonjun did the right thing and called us. You should have done that as well."

Soobin kept his head down at Jin's lecture. Jin wasn't the type to scold TXT. Out of the seven of them, Hoseok and Taehyung are the most strict with the kids. Jin has been kind of the goofy older brother figure.

"I'm sorry, sunbaenim."

Yoongi saw that this wasn't getting anywhere. He interrupted Jin and told him to text the two rappers who were still out there.

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