"What do you have!"

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TW: Panicking

Dekus POV:

"Izuku Midoriya please report to the principals office, I repeat Izuku Midoriya please report to the principals office."

'Wait me!? Did I do something wrong? Are they kicking me out!? What if-"

"Deku your fucking mumbling again, besides rat man probably just got fucking bored and wants to mess with you." Kacchan broke me out of my line of thought.

"Y-you think?"

"Yeah sounds like Mr.Nezu, once he called me in just to make me watch a slide show of the best ways to hold a tea cup." Mumbled Shinso.

"O-oh okay then I'll be right b-back then"

~Time skip~

No one's POV:

Deku walked in the doors to Nezus office and saw three other kids there.
One.....standing in the corner?

"U-um you wanted m-me?"

"Ah yes I wanted you to meet our big three, Tamaki Amajiki or Suneater,-" he gestured to the boy in the corner"- Mirio Togata or Lemillion"- the blonde boy smiled-" and Nejire Hado also known as Nejire chan. Now if you excuse me I need to go bother all might! Just socialize!" And with that the smoll tea addict pressed a button and a trapdoor open, making him and his chair fall through the floor.

"U-um h-hi I'm Izuku Midoriya.

"AWW! Aren't you the cutest! What's your quirk? What's your favourite drink? What planet do you like most? Do you have a significant other?! Nejire rapidly asked jumping up and down.

"W-well, u-um i-i, gahh!" All the questions had caused him to panic and he ran to the dark blue haired boy copying the boys pose.

'Their like ostriches'
Thought the two extraverts.

"A-are y-you o-okay?" Asked the dark haired boy.

"Y-yeah, I can s-see why you d-do this... It's calming."

"You think so? You don't think it's weird?" To surprised to stutter anymore.

"N-no it's easier to p-pretend nothing exists l-like this." At this point both boys had turned to look at eachother and deku smiled softly turning Amajiki into a blushing mess.

Deku was about to speak again when the door burst open showing Nezu with a new cup of tea and a big man with gray hair and a X shaped scar on his cheek. Who Deku realized was Vlad king.

"See the green haired bean?" Vlad nodded. "He's the one who tamed your blond nightmare." Finished Nezu.

"Well I must thank you green bean, he hasn't bothered anyone since lunch, might I ask how you did it?"

"Oh you mean Monoma? He's not that bad in fact he's amazing company!" Deku said while smiling brightly.

'Oh that's how ,his adorableness was to much'
Was all anyone thought (except Tamaki he's still gay panicking to much to think).


It was now the end of the day as deku had spent his afternoon with the big three. Him, Toga and Dabi sat in the back of the car sent to pick them up. The blond and the emo listening to deku talk about his new friends.

"So by the looks of it I need to add about the entirety of the people in the cafeteria today to the list of potential love interests, oh and the big three as well!" Exclamed Toga happily while Dabi was less than happy that there was going to be more people after his crush, not just some other people at the league.


Hi there my little baguettes!

Btw I just wanted to say that the school wasn't forcing them to stay in captivity because they actually couldn't. Dekus plant friends just broke them out and basically demolished the place they were being held. Also the class don't know their villains yet because their introductions got cut of by Denki and Bakugou.

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