Chapter 10

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Saren has kept me in prisoned with my own body Saren at least let's me talk but when he wants hear what he wants he'll make me.

   In the labs at Virmira is pretty nice only because it's so fascinating to see all of bad but fascinating. Saren held my hand and guide me through the labs. "Why are we here?" I questioned. "Just wait my dear we will be there soon also your friends are here don't you want to say hi?" Wrex I hope you don't do anything stupid. I wish I could move away from this creep. "Don't worry I bet you weren't expecting this." He pulls me to balcony where we see my whole friends. "I see you want you ruin more of my plans human!" Saren yells from above. He held my waist pulled close to him. "Let her Saren!" Garrus yelled. With his sniper out. "Don't shoot or you hit her." He threaten. "Stop let me go! Don't hurt them!" I begged. "Y/n just jump we can catch you." Shepherd commanded. "I can't!" I cried. Saren grabbed my faces and held his talons on my cheeks and made me look at him. "This delicious soft." He's trying to piss of my friends. "She listen to me thanks to my technology and the reapers, she only bows to me Shepherd." He told them. His eyes stared me down.
He brought his mouth closer to my lips, as I cried and tried everything to fight back. No I don't want this.

   'You can fight back.' 'Stand up! Stop being the rug for someone to walk on!'
'Just one punch!' 'Come on Y/n just do it!' 'Your stronger then this!'
With every strength in me...I pulled his arm away from me. Gave him a punch in the face. "I'm not your damn toy!" With that I made a leap off the balcony. "Y/n!" I heard someone call my name as I didn't think this through. Shit!

I felt my slowly gliding down as I some caught me. "Thank you Liara!" I heard someone yell. I look up to see Garrus. "I'm glad I'm away from that." Garrus pulled something off of me and that hurt like hell.
Saren looks down at me. "Y/n get back to labs." He commanded...but nothing happened. "This thing right?" Garrus held up the bug that controlled me. Saren seem to be upset and left.
  "Garrus oh gosh it was torture..." he put me down and I collapsed to my knees. "I'm so tired..." Everything around went black.

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