Chapter 2 C-sec

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I woke up to Garrus standing beside me. "Yes?" I asked him.
"I need to get ready for work...I was wondering if you wanted to tag along?" Didn't think I even could. "Um sure..." I got out his bed and left the room. "I left early this morning to grab you some essential things it's in the guest bathroom I showed last night!" He yelled as I left his room. As I went to bathroom and he left a package brush, teeth brush, and teeth paste. Nice of him.

After I got ready I walk to see Garrus in his classic black and blue armor. "Ready?" He asked me. "Ready when you are." He opens the door and he took lead.
We got to his office as he grab his pistol from his locker and then grab another. "Uh?" "Shh." He shush me.

He was able to show me around since he's patrolling the wards.

We got out of C-sec office and he handed me the pistol. "That's my personal one you can use that while we do these runs can't be leaving you unarmed." He told me.
We walk around the near the lower markets as I was interested in the armor they had. I think I made it obvious because it look like Garrus took notes.
I got to know him better. We chatted here and there but then he ask. "So how did you end up here?" I thought for a second. "I really don't know. Just it happened. I was playing this game then everything went white." He nods as look around. "You know who that is?" He points at the krogan with scars with red head. "That's Wrex he'll be here the next time for his bounty." Garrus seems amazed. "I don't know how I know this but I it clicks. I knew your name without knowing just clicks. For certain people I would say." I told him then he points at the Turian who has long uh the things on back of the heads. "Thats Saren..." I sounded in disbelief. "I don't like him. He rubs me the wrong way." Garrus tells him. But it seems to show. The tubes around his arms. I didn't notice how long I was staring till he came up to us. "It's rude to stare." He told me coldly. "Vakarian best has a reason your with a human." I forgot he doesn't like humans. "She's just hanging out...I was patrolling here anyways." Garrus told him. I gave him this look of I know what your doing. Which I think I gave away too much. "I can borrow her?" Garrus shook his head. "Absolutely not, she's terribly shy. She'll get scared." He's not wrong. I hid behind Garrus as he glares at Saren. "Let me talk to her or I'll have you fired within a minute." He said in low voice. No wonder Garrus dad hates specters.

I move pass Garrus. "I'll find you at uh down the corner?" Garrus was hesitant but I gave a small smile to tell I'll be okay.
He walks away as Saren scans me.

"You have a determined look that you know something?" I shouldn't make myself a target but kinda want to be needed for Shepherd to pick me out. "Maybe? Who knows?" He didn't seem patient with my words. "You know something? Don't you?" He looks so much more Turian instead of tech. I instantly reach my hand but recoiled it. "You look more Turian then technology." I muttered. He blinks and backs away. "What?!" I step back in reaction of fear. " stop Commander Shepherd or me." I walk pass him as he grab my arm. "What are you?" He asked. His grip was pretty tight it hurt. I wince at him. "A human girl who knows more then she lets on." I yank my hand away and ran down the corner to see Garrus.

He look at my figure in worry and checks me as if he's a doctor. "Did he touch you? Did he hurt you?" I shook my head. "Well he did but Garrus I need you to get me combat ready." He seem shock. "I'm not..." "you are, I seen you are the hero of citadel with a human named Commander Shepherd!" He put his hand over my mouth. He glares behind me. "Shhh Blaze." He's using my last name why?

"Garrus we have a case for you...sorry if I'm interpreting something." Garrus let me go and took the data pad from the Human. "No worries thanks." The human leaves as Garrus does a heavy sigh. "I'm tired of this...paper work." I grab his data pad and scan through it. "Well this is obviously the husband." Garrus shook his head. "It says he wasn't home during the shooting." "Yeah at 12am? But the shooting happen at 1am. It was an hour after the shot he found his wife dead. Obviously he's covering it up. The finger prints lead to false person because the prints aren't matching his or his wife's. The husband did."  I explained to Garrus. "I'll help you how to shoot and fight if you help me get through this bullshit." I giggle and nod. "Your not one for rules so I got your back." I told him.

First Garrus got me to his place and told me when he gets home he'll have surprises? But I'll guess I have to wait for that don't I?

I never stop and look at his place to be honest. Paintings and family photos.
Even photos with his mom? I heard the door open and saw Garrus with a few bags. "Hey...I see your making yourself at home now." I place the photo down and Garrus came over to me. "Yeah sorry..." he shook his head and some kind of chuckle he made. "It's fine since I been here hasn't been the best." I have a sad smile as he handed me the bags. "Here this should help you with the things we do." I tilt my head to side in a confused manner. "I know you said no to the C-sec ideas but I still got you in. This is least you can do plus all I need you to do it walk with me and do some paper work. I already got clear for this." I look at the bag to blue and black armor for me. "Alright Vakarian I'll play your game." He giggles and pats my shoulder. "Nice to have someone I can call a friend." I smile and place my hand on his hand. "Yeah I'll be your friend as long your my friend too." Garrus looks at me but I got lost in his eyes. Beautiful blue eyes. "Uh Y/n?" Garrus clears his throat as I let his hand go and back away. "Sorry..." I mumbled. "It's fine...anyways I got us some food let's eat then head to bed tomorrow is your first day." I smiled and walk to table to have Garrus serve me some food.

Now C-sec hah only be here for year anyways.

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